Tuesday, June 7


Brought back 18kg worth of loots! Think alot? Wafi's one 20kg, Liying was 23kg! Hahahaha! Nevertheless, it was a sucessful trip and we were all satisfied with what we've got. But yknow..... shoes are never too many and so are clothes! :D

Didn't take much picture because we were all so focused on shopping!
Will still post them after I'm done editting and uploading.
Busy week again, wild wild wet tmr, secret secret the next day, and working for the next 3 days. Ughhhhhhhhh WORRRRRKKKKKKKKKKKKK, must push myself until like, maybe 2 weeks before my school opens, then I'll stop and take a break.

Met D after I reached home fresh from the airplane AND shower of course hehehe. Then Pepper Lunch for dindin! FUCKING CRAVING FOR IT idky but anyway, yumzzzzzzzzzz! He still say he feel like eating again tmr HAHAHAHAHA! It's nice we share the same love for good food :D Then we wanted to catch Kungfu Panda 2 @ 8.10 slot but was selling fast so took the 10.15 one instead. He came over since there's sooooooo much time and I packed and categorized my loots while he playss..... poker on fb -.-
The movie was fantastic btw, couldn't stop laughing and the characters are uber adorable! Hehe, needa wake early tmr! Goodnight! :>

P.S Photobucket and net is being such a BITCH, always so slow and fucked up when I want to upload and post photos. If you cant see t pics, sorry!

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