Ugh, can you believe it? How days continue to suck one by one?
I was so lerthagic, I napped, not knowing that I would sleep over like fucking hours. So, 1/3 of the night is gone. I was supposed to finish some homework, do my Art prepatory (however it's spelt), watch some movies online..
Now I don't even know what I want for dinner, feeling so sick I could puke out if I ate anythin now. And I woke up in cold sweat.
What if there's another world? A world with gross, gorified-lookin beasts (Think Slient Hill). And I'll be one of the fucking cool agents who blasts off their heads. Running around the town to save people, and how the world is half-dead.
Howbout, a world with elves and fairies? Huge, hideous ogres and mischievous stubby, grumpy gnomes. And we're all be living in a medieval period. Imagine us sucking our tummies to fit in tight, hot laced corset dresses! && buildings built in stone and roman bricks! And we'll all be blondies, brunettes and have awsome multi-coloured eyes! HAHAHAHA, how damn gorgeous. Oh, tooth fairies would be evil because they want teeth for free! So better close your mouth when you sleep, because you'll never know.. You might wake up with a missing tooth.
I wonder why sometimes ain't the world like Final Fantasy series? Esp Final Fantasy X.. Like a magical world man. We'll be posing in spanky, awsome outfits lor. Then everyone will look so pretty also. The best thing is there's CHOCOBOS!! And I would definitely visit Guadosalam! Imagine being able to see your deceased loved ones at the Farplane.. The bad thing is, we'll be under attack by Sin.
Yeah, howbout worlds like Maplestory! Dont laugh! I mean, we don't need to fucking study lah! Being born in a world to fight cheesy monsters like snails.
A moment of slience please ......................
And fucking cool avatars. YOU'LL GET TO CHANGE HAIRSTYLES AND FACES. HAHAHA, have to pay one lah. Using cash.
Ok, the most fucking awsome thing is that when you die, you'll be revived in the nearest town. With lesser EXP points.
"Don't worry, he'll be joining us soon."
"HEY GUYS! ME BACK. This is private server so die liao won't deduct fucking exp points!"
"WAHLIAOS, me need go repot leh.. *uses nearest town scroll*"
Okay.. too much games.
I'm even thinking about Super Mario Brawl, or even Resident Evil! BEST, FATAL FRAME AND SILENT HILL KU.
.......... But I'd really wish to be living in a world of Final Fantasy.. Because, youknow, like no need study lah! Fuck. (:
Okay, KFC delivery. I've gotten back my appetite.
But my mind's still rotten.
Zoom zoom.
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