Monday, October 8

Proj week

Been a week since proj week and all I did was enjoy my holidays away by spending a night at Bintan with a fellow classmate. The beach was not only beautiful, but tranquil and serene. I've only been to Sentosa's beach for these 20 years of my life, and you could imagine my burst of realization of how naive I was to think that it was good enough. BIG NO! The sand is coarse and it hurts your feet after awhile, the sea smells and garbage.. garbage EVERYWAY. I went to Penang last year thinking the beach would be better in that sense but well.. it's worst because it's so murky you can't even go into the waters.... unlike Sentosa's... but that one abit forceful now la if you ask me to go in...... 

The waters at Bintan was moderately clear (I said that because I'm sure there are clearer waters), and they have low tides at certain timings which enabled me and my friend to explore the areas which used to be quite deep! So much fun like dora the explorer hahaha. Cept I realised there were an abundance of tiny sea creatures like hermit crabs and SEA SNAILS. EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!111111 I DAMN SCARED MY GIANT FEETS WILL CRUSH THEM TO PIECES YOU KNOW I DAMN SQUISHY ABOUT THE FEELING OF THEM STRUGGLING BENEATH MY FEET! Ashlynn, my friend, damn cool about it. Le sigh.... Anyw, didn't take much pictures because the main priority was to chillax so fuck no electronic devices. Oh btw, Marlboro cigs are selling for $3+ there only. 

Singapore, why you no relac abit?

See the separation between the deep blue and clear blue close to the horizon?

Our package came with free lunch and it was surprising delicious!

This was.. just random camwhore after I came home for school and yes I went straight to bed to roll for awhile.


What? Oh I mean break my virginity of celebrating Halloween HAHAHA
O you ddirty minds.

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