Wednesday, October 27

my sunshine

You came along and held me up. We knew what was ahead of us but it didn't stopped us from getting together. It just felt right, maybe all I need to know that is you'll be by my side, and that's how I'll pull through. I said before that I will not hold back these overflowing feelings, but I have to. I can't bring myself to be dependant on you. One day when you have to go, I have to be strong and let go.
So now you have no idea how hard I'm
trying to be stronger. I'm strong, but it's never enough. It will never be enough. You have no idea.. you have no idea.

Tell me that I'm just downright stupid.
I believe that if it's fated to be yours, eventually it would. People come and go, but regrets and guilt stay like plague in our hearts. It's too early to say anything, forsee anything, but I won't stop thinking of the possibilities. Even that tiniest of hope, it counts.

I just need to let out. I'm feeling mixed everyday. Happy and but void inside. yknow what I mean? I've been thinking abt what to do with this blog since I don't really update anymore. Even if I do, it's mostly wordy hahahah. So I guess this will
just be a personal blog where I pour my heart out on. Since well, the only reader here is ME.

I want a drink and a cig :/
我太笨 明知道 你是错的人 明知道 这不是缘分 但我相信有点可能。


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