Friday, March 5


This joy is supressed.. ): I just feel good it's over. I thought I would hop around and celebrate with a good meal. (cus I deserve it!!! nah actually I dont.. cus, yknow-i-know.)

So fucking tired can, I dragged myself out at 6.30am. Washed up, came back to room, 6.45am. Oki, rest again till 7am then I took my time to dress up, pack and stuff. Lasi lazi lazy.
Didn't do much in the kitchen, I think I chit-chat alot today. &I stole one hot steaming bread YUM! Yknow at some point you feel like it aches when you smile and thats when you realise you're actually too tired to talk or smile anymore? It's a weird feeling. Feels fake.

So after that, met Wafi and PY, we underwent extreme project-rush, did our self-made vids *HINT HINT*. HAHAHAH IM SO GLAD THAT KO AND POS PROJECT IS LIKE 90% DONE. LEFT WITH FHH, WSQ AND F&B OPERATIONS FUCK OUR LIVES. &yes, all by next week.

I should have went to NAFA or LASALLE :l
Should have.

Havent even studied for tmr's beverage test.....
no point studying now either cus I think I have like 99% dead brain cells
so I shall sleep niao and revise tmr.

ike v. long never meet TNFs and Shak and Rafi and Idris and Marcus alr. Jason NS liao lor!

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