Just finished "spring cleaning" !!!! Oh well, at least.. I cleared the table & dressing table and am doing some magazine cut-outs so I could paste em on my walls :D Still have to clear out my closet but...... who the fuck is gonna open up my closet? Anyway there's no big party so I'm not gonna care much about it HAHAHA life sucks.
Oh few days back I sent out my resume! To three hotels .... thinking whether I should send to a few more cus ....... I don't want to end up nowhere for attachment. Oh God please reply reply reply. Oki, even if they did reply, I still have to go through interview, yay.
I just figured I should go sweep the floor or something.. And I hate it when I see my brother's iphone, sometimes I wished I had a iphone instead. my head's like a block, hard to make up my mind.
Yknow what, I've been keeping it, but I've been crying everyday.
For a week.
Am I depressed?
P.S I really want to blog more but my life's not interesting unless you want to hear me rant about me owning against AIs in my favourite DS game HAHAHAHAHAH (Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes, fucking addictive)
Oh wait.. AIs are for computers, PS2/3s and Xboxes right? Whatever.
P.S.S I am very, very pathetic.
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