Wednesday, December 5


Mum surprised me today. I was engrossed in my DS when my mum came in and told me she bought three terrapins. So yeah, I hopped out of my bed and took a look.
They. are. so. fking. adorable!

But I feel kind of bad cos they have to be enclosed and not roam freely. Plus, I read from a site that they don't like to be touched or picked. ): Sayang also cannot ar?
Love them to bits though.

Don't order sharkfin soup.
Idiots hunt for sharks

Cuts off fins.

Then throw them back into t sea. Sharks will eventually drown and die.
Die, you muthafking shark killers.

Went to Crystal Jade for dinner. Realised hand sliced noodles look like tape worms so I feel naseous (duh) and gave it to pops cos I bet he doesn't know anything. Hah. Anyway, why t shrimp filling in t wonton taste like pork ar? Fk.

Pops went on to put words into my mouth and then reprimanded me for nothing.

Liked today's weather, but I realised it's just perfect for my mood today.
Yeah, rainy.
How fking great.

Christmas is coming.
But it doesn't even look so interesting anymore.


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