Friday, November 30


I feel like picture-ing.

So preeeettttttttyyyy!!

Snakeskin D:



Tomorrow got to stay overnight in school cos have to wake up early t next day for some marathon. Well, we're just going there to perform, to give those runners t support. I'm bored, I can't wait for MCR's concert, can't wait for Port Dickson trip, can't wait for christmas shopping *big smile*

Thou shall end this post with a boring fullstop


Thursday, November 29

t hell cycle.

Life is unfair.
Well, I don't want to care what other people'll presume, as long as someone acknowledges my tears, blood and pain, I guess I'll be contented.
Life what, what can I fucking do. It's either you or me, but it's you. So be it.
If I can't change t fact, then I'll live with it.


So here I am, startin to drown in those lullabies
Rocking out just for t corpses.
Little stones piling up on t fragile
but why won't it fall
why wont it fall?
Its killin this time
but I'll just let it be.

And I can't sleep at night, when you're all on my mind.
Cure? = get fucking drunk.

Wednesday, November 28

Very outdated photos.

Taken at Sentosa.

Hmm, I love focus function :D


I've got like lots of photos taken in t zoo, (though t fucking batt died halfway on me ): ) but I'll post em u when I feel like it. Ho.

Yeah, and t only reason why I'm blogging now is cos I'm totally freakin bummed out. Bored. Ya hear? I CAN'T WAIT FOR T TRIP ALREADY! 2 more weeks :D Oh, and I miss Nuzrath.

And um.. I'd just say I'm just waiting.. I guess.

Tuesday, November 27

ugh, it's so hard to stop t love.

Monday, November 26

She flew.

So Nuz's ALMOST off to India. Her flight kena delayed and it's t worst shit ever. Somemore have to wait for more than 3 fucking hours. How great! Grrr, feel very pissed for her.

2 more weeks to Port Dickson trip! Well.. it feels nice to be away from home for awhile, enjoy with friends some more! Sleep with them some more! .......
And two days before t trip......

Ah well.. Frank and Bob's replaced by some.. anonymous dude. ):

*rants and blabbers about MCR, excitedly.*

I. am. entertaining. Nuz. on. t. phone. *perverted look* (:
lovin' it. Some fucking dude stole her place for t connection for her laptop. lol.

Sunday, November 25

Life is a big fat fucking liar.

Friday, November 23


Uggh. Tomorrow's t day, tomorrow's t day. I wonder how I should actually feel..
I've been trying to overcome since I've that problem when I'm in Sec 1. Even if I practiced everyday, it'll all come to a nought once my mouth muscles cramps up. I wonder why? I feel like shit.
Cranky shit.
So what if I could play everything? Huh? My endurance and stamina sucks.
Uggh, I'll do my best tomorrow, I'll faint only after t whole thing ended if I need to.


Thursday, November 22


I fucking miss shopping. And if I used those little pennies in my posb savings, it'll be gone in a day. NOTE, FUCKING LITTLE PENNIES.
Not happy lah!

Ugh, whats with those people who doesnt give a fuck? Thanks alot lah, you screw us all up.
Fucking tiring please?

Feeling weird. Cos I think I've tried too hard to be someone I aint.
That sucked, cos it makes me suck.


Miss you.

Monday, November 19


Firstly, my com is screwed up again. I don't know why, I just don't fucking get it.
Secondly, she's taken, so now when Nuz heads to India for one fucking month, (includ. spending her birthday and Christmas there) I've got no one to go out with anymore ):
Thirdly, with my com fucked up, and Nuz gone, I'll be fucking utterly bored.
WAAAAAAAAAAH, fucking miserable, nothing better to do life.

WORK LAH COM! WORK!! Pops spent so much $$ and you still like that! Ungrateful! _l_
Oh, today's Monday.
I'm.. not ready for t concert. Yet.
I'm so.. worried.

Oh, Frank Iero and Bob Bryar can't make it to t concert. Bob's got injured wrists, one of Frank's family members was struck by an illness so he had to drop out of t band, temporary.
Get well soon though, Bob and Frank's family member... who got ill!
Ugggh, MCR's not complete without Frank and Bob. Uuughhhh.
Therefore, marks t unsatisfaction of t week. Pfft.


Saturday, November 17

The air carries t untold
The moon smiles tonight.

What you see, isn't what you'd thought it will be.
It's better to sacrifice one a then make t rest ponder and suffer,

I would like t shortcut please.

Friday, November 16

I've tried hard.
But I failed nevertheless.
I've been trying to be
but it all backfired.
Why does
why does...
why doesnt anyone..
What's going on?

Look what's flowing back
t time when I felt so betrayed, so helpless
I couldn't prove, I tried, I still can't.
I'm trying..
but no one's..
no one's here..
everyone is gone
everybody disappeared
im surrounded by a thousand lamps
but then voices told me its all lies.
im trying my best,
im doing what i can
im doing what i can

im ignoring all t fucks
im ignoring all t back talks
im ignoring for that fucking fact that im just _.
youd start thinkin youll be off right justbeingalone


I've tried to be nice see, BUT NO FUCKING ONE CARES.

Wednesday, November 14


Oh well,
nothing works out
things're just fakin to set
and then when t cold hits your face
its then when you woke up

Oh it might look fine,
but first look inside!
All bloody and gory
but well, who t fuck knows
maybe I and someone close

Cos this world is all tangled and nobody knows
who lied and who killed
and who buried this glass.

Just behind this mirror plane
oh isn't that me?
but I could see all t odds
now its getting so clear
and look at this place
its all flooded and such
Look at t blood and look at its stuffs!

Come and go, come and go
now please don't turn back
how notorious this is
how amazing you are!

I can speak, and sniff
I can see, I can hear
but there are poor things that don't know really how
stop pointin and laughing you asses comon
lets all lend our support
lets all give 'em a chance!

Life goes on
whether you're troubled or not
so put a big smiles on yer faces
and show em what you've got

Me? I don't know.. really.
My com's acting up again..
Sigh. Life _.

Monday, November 12

Before and After, still.

Ohhhhhhhhh, went out with Nuz today. Got our cds! GUESS MINE, duh, it's written all over my face. But t problem is you can't see it live now. Bah, like you want to. Ya lah, I'm kind of slow, to get their cd now.. AHHHHHHHH! BUT I LOVE IT!
Okay, I'm drunk on em.

Darl's going to immigrate to India after YCMB's concert.... ):

It's fab if y'love cookie dough! Like, Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough tub of ice cream!

Anyway, I'm just kidding about Nuzrath immigrating to India. LOL, she's going there for..*sniff* a month. ):

I love m'bro's tees.


OHHHHHHHHhhh, I believe in retribution. Whatever comes around, goes around, yes?
Cos it's happening. Well, not to that shameless toyer.



Sunday, November 11


Yeap! I finally got my Windows Live, alive! Lol, Live alive..
Yeah, it looks like there were some problems with t internet connection last night?
Oh. Pictures, took it in t zoo, like, long time ago! EOY period. :l

Snakes! Cos they are really pretty cold-blooded slithers. I love their scales. Mum doesn't like em. Oh, I love crocodiles too! :D

Tree bark! Nice right? Why t fuck would they want to chop down trees, ILLEGALLY.

Okay, since I can't resist..

Hmm, big sexy croc.. :D


Kodomo dragons!

And em, their cousins! (Look at those veins! Gorgeous.)

Okay, I damn love thee cold-blooded beings! Kick out worms, snails, slugs and.. worms.. centipedes and millipedes... Anything that moves just like them.... D:<

Yknow those cute little geckos? OH MY GOD! THEY ARE SO DAMN ADORABLE! Apart from home lizards, (which are brown.. and disgusting. But well, they help us wipe out flies! AND FILES' LARVAES ARE MAGGOTS!! *sqirms uncontrollably*)

See! Talk to me about animals. We'll talk for hours. Oh, chimps are so, loving! I just love seeing people interacting with animals, it's so heart-warming and touching.. I really look up to those who save sick animals and take care of them!

I think marine creatures are AMAZING! Do you know? Sea turtles was in existence waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before humans existed! Yeap, in those dinosaurs period. It's so like, wow! And turtles are so lovable! Don't forget t nature! ..

Okay, I'll shut up.


*hears her scream*


First of all, I'm feeling horrible,
my windows live messenger can't be installed for some fuckin reason.
And people change, then things change, and mutual feelings fade and drfit away.

I know, it've always been damn fucking short posts, this blog is deviod of photos. Shall get em up, when I transfer everything back, and th internet starts workin out right.

I'm so bloody _.
No one's out for a hand.

Saturday, November 10


Hi, it's Bob. We are very sorry about canceling our recent show in Maine. I have been having many problems with my wrists over the past few years. They have been getting worse but I kept playing. I have seen many doctors to get some relief so I wouldn't have to stop playing. I guess I pushed it too hard this time. During our show at Maxwell's I got a golf ball-sized lump in my wrist, I started to not only have pain, but lose control and feeling in my fingers. I went through a process to control the swelling and attempted to play the show with Bon Jovi the next day. The Bon Jovi show was really bad for me - I was dropping sticks and could barely hit my drums. After that show we decided I had to go get immediate treatment. I had to leave the tour. Being the stubborn person I am, I made a last minute decision to give it another shot on the second Bon Jovi show. It didn't work, we had to cut the set in half. We have a fill in now as I am getting treatment - he learned the songs in one day. We will try our hardest to make the show up to you when the specialists give me the okay. Thanks for understanding.



Get well very soon Bob! {3 On th other hand, get well very soon too, Chester from LP! :D With many love from Nuzrath. Hhhoho.

I'm fucking trying to get Windows Live Messenger to work. Oh, yeah, my comp came alive through that 1%. :D But internet slow. HURRAY! NO MORE ANNOYING RESTARTS! I'll have to take plenty of precautions against any pointless, (yet) harmful viruses and spywares. But.. how safe is th internet?..

Sigh, it's still not workin.

Friday, November 9

I'm happy cos my mum's happy, watching animals together on screen.
Animals are just so intelligent, and beauuuuuutiful creatures, ain't they?
Fuck evil mankind.

My com is like, 99% dead.
Tomorrow, heshe it might come alive! Cos of th 1% hope.

I want to travel around th world and get in contact with th animals. Play with em, and do research on em, oh yes, save these poor animals from fucking poachers.
Fucking humans.

Wednesday, November 7

Because I never know whats going on.
And all th questions leave me hanging down
Down into th pits of hell.

Maybe it just all masks I see.
Im feelin despondent.
There's nothing worst than feelin out of th world.
A no one.

Tuesday, November 6

You faggggggggggggggggggggggggg.
I don't know what you're up to.
Whenever I thought of it, I will say to myself that it won't happen and I'm thinking too much.

But whatever, you're too much. And fucked up.

Get a clue anyway, fuck off.

Monday, November 5

What is..

I don't like it, I ain't loving this feelin.
And then I'm not even recognised for th time and effort I've put in for them.
Bah, okay whatever. Sigh.

What is love, tell me what is love. Or like, or admiration.
It's all silly dilly, at this age, get together, break.
Even after believing in HAPPILY EVER AFTER.
HA HA HA, seriously, WHO BELIEVES IN THAT NOW? Not me, uh huh, duh.
Aiyah, experience la di la di da, yknow what?
Getting in a relationship ain't that simple. You got to understand each other, please each other, satisfy each other needs, give each other space and keep each other happy! Yeah, after a long time, you'd have to keep that spark in your relationship going, if not, wave fucking goodbye.
It's not that easy to maintain yknow. Sigh. I'm not pointin at anyone, I'm just feelin so.. fucked. Well, I just feel like rantin yknow.

I love chewy gums. No, that's that banned stuff, just.. gummies that are chewy.

Okay, my fucking com almost died on me, I couldn't switch it on just now. HAHA, yeah, if you're really dead by now, I'd be fucking cursing th shit of you. Anyway, even my pops gave up on you lah! HA HA, so I'm using me brother's com now. Weee.
Okok, don't cry already, Pop's gonna get a fucking cure for you already - hard disk.
Get all my memories stored in you transfered to it and get you reformatted and stuff. Ahhh, why am I telling you this shit. Just go under general anthe.. anesthesia and yeah, you'll wake up fresh and new, fucking alive. Or something.

Okay, I sound so bitched up, I'm really pissed, at myself, or at nothing at all. I don't know. I just feel so.. tensed. OH, AND FUCKING ANTS ARE CRAWLING ALL OVER MY FUCKING TABLE, AND I HATE AND AM SCARED OF ANTS. HA HA, anyway, it's just three or four. fucking. ants. GRRR, DONT THEY GO DEAF UNDER MY SCREAMING? *roll eyes*


I miss you lah darling! To be feeling like crapped out because I can't do anything much to help you.. or even if being there for you doesn't help.. I feel so helpless and useless. Whenever I used to be down in th past, you were th one cheering me up.. And now I can't even do th slightliest stuff to make you happy again. I don't know what've happened, and I don't even know how you're feelin now. As long as it ain't happiness, I'm not feeling that good as well. We used to share and bitch about everything under th sun.. Even shared same crushes! Which is funny..
Well.. You said you didn't want to hurt me.. Apart from missing you very, very much.. th only thing that hurts is seeing you taking all th pain yourself. And I can't be there to see, and share your pain. Yknow.. well. Ever since we've been in different classes, we've been seeing each other lesser, and it affected out communication as well.. But somehow, deep down inside, you're always there! All th memories etched.. You smiling lesser now.. Even if you're not th old Suhana, you'll always occupy that part of my heart :').
Take care, with lots of love from th other girls too.

I just want you to be okay, smiling and happy all day.


Friday, November 2