Monday, August 20


Steven Lim is the joke of the year hah.
Can't concentrate on studying, as you can see, i'm total no mood. HAHAH, cos I'm bloggin laaaah. T_T

I love my black pen and it loves me too. HAH.
I LOST MY BLACK PEN!!!!!!!!!!! (ok bad drawing, but ITS MY PEN YA? :'( )
Like wtf! Tomorrow must go buy another pen in the bookshop. That's like so, I dont know. After school heading to Nuz's place to "revise" POA, yeaaaahh right. Man, I can't believe there's still lessons after the papers. GR, so can die. OMF, got geo homework lor ): Havent do argh.

Why am I just a substitute for you?
Is it really fun making me jealous, gettin me hurt?
But whenever I see your smile, it just brings me back to life?
I don't know, I just dont want to face you, I just want to run away from you.
Just pop the question and go, that'll make my heart wither and give up (:

Science tomorrow? Haven't did any revision on Physics. Gah, really, just moodless. Please let everything be over soon.
Oh, don't ask why my hair is messy, it's meant to be messy. (ILIKE:D.) Don't give a bloody anyhow, it'll always turn out fugly on me so what the heck?

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