OMG! Went out with Cherylalala and Sammie ;3 !
We had yummy Yoshinoya for late lunch (Which I havent had for like, MONTHS WTF@#$@#$324) and Japanese Gelato ice cream yumymumyumyum the one at Taka's basement hehehe.
We went for a shopping spreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I swear I was the happiest girl HWAHWAHWA, just that I contained my excitement. x)
THANK GOD there's still some sales going on. I FINALLY STEPPED INTO TOPSHOP OH MY GOD. many good stuff are gone alr I bet ): I bought some stuff tho!
I set aside an amount of money when I got my
Oh! This is gonna be my last week working at my current location niao, another reason why I'm feeling so happy yippee. & after a week's break, I'm gonna work at the restaurant located in the Singapore Zoological Gardens.
Yea, it's a pretty big step. It's not like I'm totally unhappy with where I'm at now, but I know I'll be sooooo much happier there.
YEA! I can't wait for this week to be so freaking over. Cos Cheryl and I were planning so much for next week's outing AND I WANNA MEET ALL MY GIRLSSSSS TOO!!!!!!!
Hehehe eggcited!
I finally feel like I'm gonna have a piece of my life back.
Thank God.
Night owls and stars! *_*
P.S Went KTV with the girls last mon and we celebrated birthdays! x)

So adorable! I lurve yall!
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