Pictures since last weekend. :D
Went to New York New York to dine with Joey. :D

Joey's Crazy Dog, mmmm *lick lips*. No pun intended (if yknow what I mean).
Mugged with t girls and went to Vivo with my parents. Yeap, I went to Tangs and I came out feeling really suckish. I. need. t. BLING. I went cranko when I saw this.
This gorgeous is up for $859! AHHHHHHHHHHhh, it's a stand mixer by t way. ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDD, I SAW NIGELLA LAWSON USING IT IN HER SHOWS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Ok, I swear I will buy that when I'm filthy rich. Or.. when I saved up enough. Haahahah.
I SWEAR THEY LOOK SO SO MUCH BETTER IN REAL LIFE! (Coped these 2 pictures from their site.)
EDIT: What t hell t rest of t post was gone empty and idk why.Lazy to retype. Yawn. Bye.
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