Oh wells.
My two darlings came over today! Skittles and Vaniiiiii ~
1) Skittles harassed Vani
2) Skittles has a new admirer (In my house)
3) Vani loves my BROWNIE. (You should know why. :x)
4) They bullied my poor piglet
5) Vani and I still can't stop LMAOing at Bobby Lee as a North Korean Scientist video.
(Bloody cute, I'd say :D I want the specs!)
After that, Skittles and I went to Raffles to get someone's present ;D It's damn adorable, I'm sure she'll love it lah! Ahuh, we went shoppin around after that.
And we saw this pair of gorgeous shoes at River Island.
BLOODY GORGEOUS LAAAAAAAAAAAH! $89.90! But I still want! ):
I NEED a job. Like, really, bloody need one. But so busy with school work! Plus my cca :l ..

OH, I need a new haircut. Bah, for the past few years, I'll been tryin to find a suitable hairstyle. But fuck not, it's so hard to. Fugly.
I miss my long hair, OR NOT!

Skittles wore "tie", and I wore "bes"! (:
Alrigght... So for dinner, Skittles and I had BURGERKING!
Bloody rocks! I had double mushroom swiss burger.
Eat somemore, eat somemore! Gagaga. Fats :l
Hhm, I'm pissed at my parents.
Like, almost everything I picked or wore, she say I look auntie, or not nice.
Fuck, look, I know i'm fugly, just don't add fuel to the fire.
I suck alright? I hate myself okay?
I hate going out shoppin with yall cos everytime I want to buy something YOU have to make the decision for me. Bloody, I'm the one wearing it, NOT YOU. So leave me alone, I'm already depressed over fugly-ness.
I just want bloody blings, $$.
Random camwhorin and photos.


Mooks rocks.

Honeydew green tea with mixed fruit jellies rocks my black socks.

Idris claims that his black water bottle is his dick. And thus, it should be a sin to be seen



But I like. (:
Oh, it rained in the morning! ;D
Wedding dinner tomorrow. So might not post?
Aahh, bloody school on monday -.-
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