yay yay ! my birthday is coming soon ! 2 more day :D BUY ME PRESENTS!!!
alright , yesterday , i went out with my family . we went to bugis market , uh , i don't know what's its called . it's the one outside bugis shopping mall .so we went there . waw , so so crowded . hahas ,, but go there shop shop . then i saw many clothes that i like . but then i look at myself and think ,
okay fine , so i just move on lor . just i'll just stick to MY fashion . TEES AND JEANS! :D ahuh ,
so after shopping , we went to bugis shopping mall . I BOUGHT A CONVERSE JACKET! .yay , but now no rainy day , cannot wear to school and show off . er , AHAHAS . it's not unique anyway .
at around 6.15 , we went to dhoby ghaut and walked to HOTEL REDEVOUS . uh , RENDEVOUS , shit , my english sucks . anyway , RENDEVOUS whatever it's spelled as , means a lovers/couples meeting place . blah , my dad told me . hahas.alright , so we went into the buffet restaurant . CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF , THE FOOD . lols ,
lalas , i'm not going to tell you what DELICIOUS food i ate , later you'll get jealous . (uh actually i'm just lazy to sayyy ..... lols)
on that day , my father bought a cake from BreadTalk . YUMYUM YUMMY ! i'm gunna get a piece from the fridge after posting . LALAS .

while eating i was like , OH SHIT , camera camera! then the white chocolate pieces , which some chocolate cream , it wrote " HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CHRISTINA " . woops , the HAPPY BIRTHDAY was there , but my name GONE . greedy me .. * hops around * .

WANT SOME ? lalalalas , too bad it's all gone , i'm enjoying it right now . oops , did i say i'll get it after posting ? nah , it's too irresistable :P . woo , yum yum , vanilla cream with mixed fruits . lallaas .
TODAY , school was okay lah .. kept thinking about band . lols . tmr got practice !! : D .
so after school , went to jurong with wan teng , cheryl and samantha . then we went to mos burger . i ate the cheesecake , WALUA ,, so niceeee .. but a small piece for $$2.70$$ .ah wells , didn't regret (: . then my dear arrived shortly and we went to mac's to let him tutor me on MATHS . so frustrating . i'm so lucky to have him as my tutor , because he is understanding , patient and jokes with me . FREE SOMEMORE lol . lalala .....
after that , went to bentobox to eat udon and salmon teriyaki . yumyyyummm . hahas , then went to pets' station . WAAAAWW .. it ouched a shih tzu ! omgomgmgomgomgomogomg ..
the fur is so smooth . AHHH !! i'm so happy and touched i want to cry ! lol ,
im happy for it too , cuz someone bought it and it was there since last year . the 7th month . so ,it was long lor , finally it was freee !! .heheh , but i'm sad lah .. i want a dog so badly!! .. hahas , then i saw two cute little bunnies . like the size of an ostrich eggs . SIMPLY WHAT-THE-HELL-TOO KAWAII ! .. arrggh ,, i want a pet ! HHAHAS.
woof woof ! am i cuute ? hehe. (:
i went home and there was a surprise for me! hehe , SZE YEE BOUGHT A PRESENT FOR ME! .waw , i was shocked . but i was happy lor (: , MUACKIES BABY!!!! *hugshugs* . hehes , and of course , i took pictures of it .

hi! my name is YEEYEE *grins* . this bubbly dog can't stop smiling .!! :D

aww ,, babyxiongxiongwelcomes him with a kiss . *muacks* !
ahahas , so that's all for today ! must stress and jia you for BAND ! YEAH YEAH !!! .
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