Tuesday, January 31
today i went out with suhana : D . finally bought my new shoes !! LALALALAS
we saw mitchell and karen : D . still so beautiful sia.
WTF ! MY MP3 IS ON !!! *rushes to switch it off* . OMIGOSH . wonder how long it was on . : o . lols , the batt still full nia . hEHEHEh
and suhana and me went to Plaza Singapura . bought clothes ! : D . then we went to Yamaha School . erm , not to study lah , to go see the WOW-DERFUL instruments . my clarinet .. sobs , it's so shiny and NEW . see liao don't want to part with it lors . AHAH .
yeah , then that suhana go play her drum set lor .. AND I WANNA LEARN GUITAR ! : D . so cool man .
yeah erm yeah , so after that we went home .
shalalala , i like my new long sleeve shirt . but it's long sleeved and warm in Singapore . yeah, so why i bought it ? when Singapore turns cold or when i go overseas to a cold country . HAHAH , LAME LAH .
whatever .. imma going to sleep and IGNORE my art homework . for once . i heck care LAH .
yeah , YCSS band ROCKS to the CORE .
Monday, January 30
ugh ! ;
AND OF COURSE , i'm going to shop till i drop tomorrow ! hmm ,, who will be my shopping partner ?
i guess , JIA QI !
better give her a call now :P .
Sunday, January 29
happy lunar new year ;
today was quite a tiring day lah .. go to all my aunties' and uncles' houses . zz , so tiring . and my back aches like hell . tomorrow going out to shop ((: .
well , that's all for today . i'm so tired that i can fall asleep once i fall flat on my bed . so long people .
i wish you a happy new year and that you will get lots of hongbao !
Saturday, January 28
so i went to shop shop lor . like finally bought a skirt . okay okay lah . suddenly my eyes was caught by many clothings and i SO MUCH WANTING to buy them !!! . hehehehe , next time i drag my parents along : P
oh yeah , me and jia qi took neoprints : D .

the dog i holding is a birthday present from jia qi ! MUACKS ~

YEAH! HUGGIES ! . now i'm like totally addicted to taking photos with my dear friends : D
yupyupyup . happy chinese new year everyone ! hope i get lots of hongbao. must win you all . lols , just kidding . GET LOTS OF HONGBAO YA ? <33
yaya ,, i really hope i got alot of $$ to buy CLOTHINGS LAH . i'm so broke :( . my cupboard is full of polo tee . erm , actually i always wear the same 3 polo tee and 2 jeans that i had lah .. LOLs . i don't go out often mah . SO I MUST STRIKE FOR MY CLOTHINGS!
Friday, January 27
i think , friends' are the best after all . they are the only one who you can really smile and laugh with everyday . i want to be a normal girl again .
like , i want a potion that can let my forget every fucking matters that's bugging me . somehow , i wish i never knew you . a girl like me , was never for you .
take care .
band FRENZY ;
anyway , after the two tiring and tense performance , some of us were at the music room waiting to get on stage again when all the perfomance are finished , WE TOOK SO PICTURES ! :D:DDDDD . so long never take ! totally fun lor :D .
alright , there were plenty of them . first first , i must introduce my GIRLS . my girl gang : D
yeah suhana , she's the queen : D . CHERYL IS SO KAWAII and , mightymouse(samantha) blocked my face . BOOHOO .
photos of me and my dearest .
( i look hideous.)
and then , idris , suhana and me were suppose to make freaky faces but then don't know what happened , idris went out of the picture liao . HAHA , NICE POSE MAN ! T_T
idris tries to attract rici . LOLs
shak ( on the left ) is too dumb , he forgot that that's not the middle finger . well idris tries to attract rici again with his cuttie come-and-get-me-baby face , lol , cute .
idris can't stop giving that face ..
until he realises that he should stop and give a friendlier face. yah , better man .
aiyoh , my girls cleaning up to look better for the cam .
and finally stop after my naggings.
and woops , i ended up taking a DUMB photo of myself . T_T
we tried to act cute...
and we tried to laugh like dummies . and cheryl look so cute : D
oh yeah , by the way , wan teng is wearing on idris' specs . look cute ya? :)
lols , was she trying to touch my butt ? hehe , sorry my girl (:
[EDIT:i just realised rici put bunny fingers behind me . WHAT THE . ]
group photos!!
my three sec 5 seniors joined in . cute eh ?
finally , ME AND MY SENIOR ~
lalas , *hugs* .
awws , that's the end . regretted i didn't take much . SO SAD.
anyway , after the concert ended , i went to watch Cheaper By A Dozen 2 .
rating : 4/5 . it's pretty funny and interesting . hahas . humourous lah . but in the theater like only 8 people . yeah . so , not much laughter . hahas ,
yeah so erm . yeh . lols .
bye everyone (:
and i love ycss band !!
Thursday, January 26
even i don't know lah ..
it's gone , christina tan pei ching is gone!!!!
rant rant ranting . i rant alot . not happy ar ?
then like stop fuckiing read my blog whatever .
don't like piss me off cuz you're gunna see the thunder fall on your head STRAIGHT .
do things right and nothing will go wrong get it .
help me .
blahs ;
COULDN'T IT JUST LIKE , RAIN ? the weather is so hot and stuffy . WORST , tomorrow i have to wear my band uniform to school . sobs , i HATE to sweaaat AND I HATE hot WEATHER!!!!!!!!
i must bring camera tomorrow ^_^ . so that i can take photo with all my FRIENDS lalalas.
at the moment , i'm just like slacking on my chair and enjoying my "shark fin soup" that i just bought from the pasarmalam near my estate while walking home . i feel i need to go shop . i'm like out-dated liao . lols , but i looks so freak , that i suck in any clothing . blah , blahhing blahhing ..
laalalaallal.. nothing to talkabout leh . every student's life is like that one. wake up , eat , go school , eat , come home , eat , SNACK , sleep . wake up , eat , go school , eat , come home , eat , SNACK , sleep . wake up , eat , go school , eat , come home , eat , SNACK , sleep . wake up , eat , go school , eat , come home , eat , SNACK , sleep . wake up , eat , go school , eat , come home , eat , SNACK , sleep . wake up , eat , go school , eat , come home , eat , SNACK , sleep . lols . so boring lah .. i want to get out of secondary school SOON !! .
i can't control myself , i'm possessed.
Tuesday, January 24
i can't really concentrate in class .. AND WOO ! TOMORROW WE WILL BE LEAVING THE CLASS ONE PERIOD BEFORE DISMISSAL CUZ WE GOT BAND REHERSAL FOR CNY PERFORMANCE ! lalallas . no need to stress for one period what . blah ......
stress stress STRESS !!! . oh good , now geography test on thursday.
sighh .. must buck up!! ((:
anyway , i don't think i will be posting much on weekdays cuz school days aren't as interesting as holidays! ( unless no friends to go out with then sad lor )
i better and must-must study hard today .. CRAP , I NEED BATTERIES FOR MY BRAIN !
Monday, January 23
damnit man .. i got class test this wednesday and MATHS IS TOTALLY DRIVING ME CRAZY ! blahblah , like i keep forgetting how to do . people teach me next day forget liao. WTF lah.
today was so cool lor , didn't have mass run , thats why : D ..
and i'm so tired too .. but i have to do my 600 words essay on responsibility . man , what kind of topic is this . FFINE LOR .
Sunday, January 22
lalalas ;
lazy to scan our neoprints and edit the photos we took . hahas , i'm kinda busy with school work . woops , i forgot to do something for my class board . so i'm doing it now .
ANYWAY ! i cut my hair . hehes , don't show you the picture . it's totally horrible . lols .
it's raining now yeah ? ..well , hopefully it'll rain tomorrow , then no mass run ! *hops around*
i want to go out with jia qi again !! :D
thanks jia qi , for spending time with me . i'll be happy to go shopping with you again (:
yayayaya .. so bored now .. and i'm not having much confidence in myself for doing the class board design . arrgghhhhhhhhhhh .. lols . hopefully the rest likes it .
anyway ,

Saturday, January 21
yupp , so when the movie debuts , you should go watch it too (: .
i'm so like what-the-fuck now . i just realised i can't be happy no matter where i am .. even in school . well , maybe at times i'll be cheered up by some of my fellow friends but well , i'll just go down soon . whatever , TONIGHT , I'M GUNNA DRINK MY VODKA AND DROWN MY SORROWS WHATEVER SHIT LAHS ,
suddenly , the world doesn't feel important to me anymore .. i just need friends to keep me up when i'm down . i'm not exactly happy as i might seem to you . sigh , unhappy me . yup , world is just so unfair . i'm born to be like a shitty bitch and a lousy lp . and have this short temper and i'm really ........ just not happy of my life .
whatever . i need to scream . boy , i really need to let everything freaking stuffs inside my heart that's fucking me out .
no one can help me . i'm just too freaking stubborn to listen to you darling . don't consult me about this . just freaking don't cuz the freaking bitch ME will get pissed off and you don't deserve that.
Friday, January 20
WHATEVER LAH . you're just not happy i attitude-d . can't you just like leave me alone as i am ? have you ever thought that if you don't make a fuss out of it i can switch back to my normal self ? whatthefuckfuckfuck . everything is like blasting at me .
Thursday, January 19


MEMEME ! .hahas , looks like i improved my photoshop skills lahs .
but this pic was abit blurred . awhiles . i like the lip gloss effect i've made on my lips . so GLOSSY : D
yay christina ! YOU GO GIRL ! ahahas , next time i will use a different image lah . used this like for the second time to try my photoshop skills . alright . i'm so satisfied . AHAH.
YEAH! i will do better than this next time ((:
i'm broke ! ;
today after school went to jurong point ( like again T_T ) with idris , shak , boaz , rafi , marcus , vani , erna and nuzrath . ahahas , thanks to rafi cuz he treated me to lunch . ( im broke .. sigh ) so as usual , shop around blah blah blah . then i came home liao. zzz , i'm so worn out .. tomorrow is band ! YAY ! . next week we'll be performing for the chinese new year liao . ahahas , hopefully the sec ones apperciate lor . WHATEVER .
yeah , i'm so damn bored now . lala-ing again : D .. i miss my darling .. ((:
Wednesday, January 18
hehe , alright . today after school , i went home straight and the weather is hot enough to cook me.
waw , really feels good to be the birthday girl . once i come out from the lift , rain started pouring down heavily . RAIN !!!! yeah man , i love the rain . especially when the weather's giving me bad badddddddd BAAADDDD temper .
yeah , so my brother's the only one at home , getting ready to head out for his lunch . so i quickly bathed and waited for my dear to fetch me :D . then when we met , he gave me a cake . my FAV . cheesecake :D . sweet huh ? muackies . then we went to take bus to his cousin's house . why am i going there ? TO VISIT MENS' BEST FRIEND !! yeah , i wanna play with my darling's cousin's golden retriever , RICKY . hehehe. yeah , a huge one already . hahas , when it stands up , it's really tall . and very playful too . (: . well , at 5 , me and darling went to take bus back to boon lay and took the mrt to LOT 1 ! . eheh.
then on the way to LOT 1 , he gave me a HUGE lollipop . WAAHAHA , yummy !! muackies x4 . <3>
we went shop shop cuz we wanted to have the dinner buffet at sakae sushi and it starts at 6.30 . then i was like wondering , where is the buffet table ? then we asked one of the workers and they said that there's only lunch buffet . so like awww , okay . table for two pleeasee (:
yeah , then he gave me a rose while waiting for food .
then a couples' ring when finishing the food
hehes , he gave alot of presents hor ? I LOVE HIM SOOO MUCH !! :D
muackies x digits too large for the world to take it . <33
then it was around 8 when i reached home . awww , can i stop the time when darling and me go out together ? . too unbearable to let go of his hands. :p ,
pictures of some of the gifts i've received (:



thanks idris , rici , shak , marcus , boaz and mitchell for this wallet !! ahahas , i'm so touched lor , cuz idris knew i wanted this wallet . same brand as the one i'm currently using too . THANKS ALL !! <33

thanks darling ! the rose is beautiful <333

it looks familiar to you ?

well , maybe you saw it somewhere in my post before . hehes , my WHAT-I-ALWAYS-WANTED GIFT OF ALL!!!
my darling is so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet <3333333333333333.
( hint : jan 14th 06 )

and then the ring he gave ((: the engraving inside spells " LONG " . looks like LOVE . hehes , my phototaking skills aren't that good so this pic was abit blurred. lalas.
so how many presents did i received today ?
- bear
- bottle
- wallet
- see and play with ricky
- cake
- lollipop
- rose
- ring
- necklace
TOTAL : 10 ( sze yee gave me a present on monday ((: )
WOOHOO ! I GOT 10 PRESENTS ! lalalallas ~ .
Tuesday, January 17
zzzzzzzzzzz ;
TOMORROW feels like a saturday cuz its MY SPECIAL DAY ! YAHOO!!!! *hops around wih presents*
hope to have a happy and enjoyable day tomorrow with LOTSA presents . eheh , i'm greedy nia .
band was good ..i think it rained around 4 ++ right ? sigh , don't know if it'll be hot tomorrow . zz , I HATE HOT WEATHER LOTS .
anyway , i can't wait for my conductress to give us to play the piece Can't Take My Eyes Off You . that song will totally get everyone rockin' the house . TATATATADA .. hahassssssssss ,,,,
uhh , i must go take my bath now lah . i've been slacking .. lols .
bye , i'll post more tomorrow .
Monday, January 16
birthday girl is here ;
yay yay ! my birthday is coming soon ! 2 more day :D BUY ME PRESENTS!!!
alright , yesterday , i went out with my family . we went to bugis market , uh , i don't know what's its called . it's the one outside bugis shopping mall .so we went there . waw , so so crowded . hahas ,, but go there shop shop . then i saw many clothes that i like . but then i look at myself and think ,
okay fine , so i just move on lor . just i'll just stick to MY fashion . TEES AND JEANS! :D ahuh ,
so after shopping , we went to bugis shopping mall . I BOUGHT A CONVERSE JACKET! .yay , but now no rainy day , cannot wear to school and show off . er , AHAHAS . it's not unique anyway .
at around 6.15 , we went to dhoby ghaut and walked to HOTEL REDEVOUS . uh , RENDEVOUS , shit , my english sucks . anyway , RENDEVOUS whatever it's spelled as , means a lovers/couples meeting place . blah , my dad told me . hahas.alright , so we went into the buffet restaurant . CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF , THE FOOD . lols ,
lalas , i'm not going to tell you what DELICIOUS food i ate , later you'll get jealous . (uh actually i'm just lazy to sayyy ..... lols)
on that day , my father bought a cake from BreadTalk . YUMYUM YUMMY ! i'm gunna get a piece from the fridge after posting . LALAS .

while eating i was like , OH SHIT , camera camera! then the white chocolate pieces , which some chocolate cream , it wrote " HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CHRISTINA " . woops , the HAPPY BIRTHDAY was there , but my name GONE . greedy me .. * hops around * .

WANT SOME ? lalalalas , too bad it's all gone , i'm enjoying it right now . oops , did i say i'll get it after posting ? nah , it's too irresistable :P . woo , yum yum , vanilla cream with mixed fruits . lallaas .
TODAY , school was okay lah .. kept thinking about band . lols . tmr got practice !! : D .
so after school , went to jurong with wan teng , cheryl and samantha . then we went to mos burger . i ate the cheesecake , WALUA ,, so niceeee .. but a small piece for $$2.70$$ .ah wells , didn't regret (: . then my dear arrived shortly and we went to mac's to let him tutor me on MATHS . so frustrating . i'm so lucky to have him as my tutor , because he is understanding , patient and jokes with me . FREE SOMEMORE lol . lalala .....
after that , went to bentobox to eat udon and salmon teriyaki . yumyyyummm . hahas , then went to pets' station . WAAAAWW .. it ouched a shih tzu ! omgomgmgomgomgomogomg ..
the fur is so smooth . AHHH !! i'm so happy and touched i want to cry ! lol ,
im happy for it too , cuz someone bought it and it was there since last year . the 7th month . so ,it was long lor , finally it was freee !! .heheh , but i'm sad lah .. i want a dog so badly!! .. hahas , then i saw two cute little bunnies . like the size of an ostrich eggs . SIMPLY WHAT-THE-HELL-TOO KAWAII ! .. arrggh ,, i want a pet ! HHAHAS.
woof woof ! am i cuute ? hehe. (:
i went home and there was a surprise for me! hehe , SZE YEE BOUGHT A PRESENT FOR ME! .waw , i was shocked . but i was happy lor (: , MUACKIES BABY!!!! *hugshugs* . hehes , and of course , i took pictures of it .

hi! my name is YEEYEE *grins* . this bubbly dog can't stop smiling .!! :D

aww ,, babyxiongxiongwelcomes him with a kiss . *muacks* !
ahahas , so that's all for today ! must stress and jia you for BAND ! YEAH YEAH !!! .
Saturday, January 14
a total new layout : D !! i love this one very much . it's really what i want it to turn out to be . yay , it's beautiful (:
i'm improving for my photoshop skills already !! hahas , first time i was so impressed for my work . this layout impressed me alot . hope you like it!!! :D
yup , today got CCA open house . OUR BAND DID WELL! . hahas , i'm so proud lor . but , some people don't know how to apperciate is lah .. nevermind . our hard work didn't paid off anyway . WAY TO GO YCSS BAND!
so after band was suppose to take photo with ladyvespa . but then in the end never . LAZYvespa . hmph . lols :D nevermind lah girl . (:
so after the open house , i went to west mall with dear . went to eat swensen ! WAHAH . yum yum food lor . hope we can go there to eat again . well , then we went shopping . WHAT THE **** . I SAW SOMETHING

OMG OMG OMG!!! .hahas , but i think it's kinda , fake ? cuz it costs only like $35. uh , I STILL WANT !
waw , i was so happy lor . never thought i would see it and TOUCH it in real life ! AHAHH , i'm so fortunate !! :D
so after that , we went to another place to make this !
alright , took quite long to make this . hahas , after finished , i had to go home . so we went home . then when i settled down at home , i was thinking that since the camera can be used , WHY NOT ? AHAH , here comes the camera FREAK .
my total-in-a-mess study/computer table . long right ? hahas , sigh . it can never be tidy .
this one is another one that me and my dear made last year in around feb ? hahas .
this is an souvenir that a few of the band members made for the Genting trip .
hahas , this is the bag i bought in Genting and i liked it alot . lols , ladyvespa likes it too , but too bad i bought it first . and now i was like searching for a bag for her . WAIT OKAY! :D
and this , i can remember ladyvespa , vani and me in the hotel room resting after like 3 hours of shopping . then ladyvespa was like looking at my bag . and then she read out this , " STOP , PLUTO ! STOP ! " . then me and vani laughed like hell . it's just hilarious lah , don't know why . (:
introducing the MyDog family !! :D hehe , they sleep with me everytime (: .
the married couples in the MyDog family . :D , aww , so adorable . hehe .
my dear gave me this two cuties (: lala , it's our babies .
my first dog that ever stepped into my world !! tiny but oldddd . :D
my dearest Sze Yee bought this for me for my 12th birthday ! so sweeet ! we named it PP a.k.a pregnant piglet because of it's fat tummy (:
this one is given by my brother during my birthday too (:
i tried to take some pictures of myself too (: .
uh , don't laugh at me please .
hahas , i will be using this picture to test out my makeup skills via photoshop !!!
almost done
and i looked horrible !! i'll never put on make-up !! hahas , yup , i think i can improve more on my makeup-via-photoshop skills . gagagagag .
[edit : hehe , i changed my lip colour , then i added blush. followed by eye colours , which is blackish-green in colour . in the end , i added the eye shadow . lols , it's too orangey right ? lalas.
what a horrible model i am . lols , anyway , there's one photo i forgot to add because i was in a rush .
kissy kissy my dear baby . lols , okay , wasn't trying to act cute , instead was trying very hard to look good while kissing my baby .]
alright , today's like a long post , so i'll stop here for now . TATA everyone!