we took this at the lobby of the First World Hotel.

extra guy blocking the view , WAAHAH . actually he's the timer for the competition . (should be) oh yeah , the competition we took part in has time limitations. that is 20mins . pass that time and marks will be deducted . scary eh?

on these two images , you will be able to see out dearest and beloved conductor , Mr Tan .
we took them at our meeting point . yeah , THIS IS YCSS MEETING POINT , but QUITE far la ... ahah.
aw , i miss him . :( sigh .
anyway , he said he will be coming back on a few practices to help us , WEEPEE!!!
yeah , the photos aren't taken well , few of my seniors have GOOD and PLENTY ! i must hunt them down T_T .
click on the images to view their actual size . (:
alright ,
i watched Bewitched yesterday night . er , is was a pretty interesting show . Nicole Kidman was so cute and ravishing beautiful , AND I JUST REALISED THAT T_T .
somehow , she just inspired me to be a WITCH . lol . alright i'm kidding .
ahaha , but after knowing those spells a witch can cast just like make you go thinking ,
" WOW , i want that too . WOW , FUCK , HOW DID YOU DO THAT? WOW , damnit , teach me please . WOW , wtf , does this even happen in real life? "
oh shit , i left my ps2 on since 1pm . now its like 1.40 . AHAHAH , okay ,
time for ps2 .
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