weee!! set off for the BBQ at 3pm . i met ' him ' at the bus station and we took lucky bus number 30 ! haha. ' he ' asked one of his friend to board the same bus along the way . we stopped near another friend's house . then we settled at Mcdonalds . ' him ' and his friend was talking about er , handphone ? .
then i was like , "hehe , i think i take out my handphone too" . THEN
like what the hell , where is my handphone! then after , OH , must be in the bag , thinks again , SHIT LA , I DIDN'T PUT INSIDE MY BAG AT ALL LOR .
gone , my pretty pretty handphone flew away .
probably lost it in the bus?
then i called my dad to ask him to cancel my line .
then ' him ' was like , waw , you so calm leh . like nothing happen .
yeah okay , whatever again.
then we went the-reason-why-we-came-here-for friend's house to help to carry the food over to west coast park.
finally , we packed everything nicely and then left with a trolley .
' him ' and i took bus while the other 3 ( one joined in at a later time ) friends took taxi cuz they're carrying the food all . ' him ' and i didn't take anything BUT , was suppose to buy packed ice from 7-11 when we alight . so we alighted , bought , and the 3 who are suppose to take taxi are STILL WAITING FOR A CAB .
ahhah , okay , so we went to west coast park first .
yay , luckily the bbq pit is near the place where we alighted , so just a few traffic lights and we're there ! :D
3 of his friends were there already . er , chit chatting happily . o.O?
sososo , when we reached there, the 3 friends who were waiting for taxi , were already on the way to the bbq pit .
' him ' took a bic and i stood on the two metal whatever you call it that is like stuck onto the back of the wheel? , okay whatever , my english sucks . so i just stood behind . AND weeee , so cooling lor . cuz west coast i will have to admit that its so FREAKING HOT even though the rain just stopped .on the way , we saw them , ahah , they looked so tired . too bad man , few more steps ahead , uh , i mean BIG BIG STEPS .
so ' he ' kinda of u-turned and we headed back to the bbq pit . not long after , we decided to borrow his friends' bic and cycle , like , explore explore . hehe , so we both took a bic and rode . YEAH!!
ahah, i screamed la , its a park mah , i don't care . so shuang la . then we arrived at this , CREATIVE PLAYGROUND ? and walua , i can see that . the whole thing looked so scary yet so WOOHOO-FUN!! .
so we played lor .
you know some of the playground ? they have those erm , hand grip ? that you can hold on to and your friends will push you to the another end ? uh . looks like i need to draw out for a clearer explanation (: 
this one is the one that some playground will have.

this one is another one that is WAY MORE FUN AND SCARY then the playground ones.
hehe , would like to play again some other time . ah wells ..
PLAYGROUND ARE FOR WEENIES . lol , just kidding :D
okay , so we played for a while and then we cycled back to the bbq pit . walua , so damn far . can't imagine if i walked , i'll probably die on the way :S !!! okay , back at the bbq pit , everyone was here le , so can start starting FIRE! .hahas , erm , they took about more than an 1hr and a half to start bbqueuing the food . lol , yum yum , the hot dogs so nice . eheh ,
too bad la , btw the time i get to eat , it's almost time to go.
I WANT TO EAT THE CHICKEN WINGS DE LA .sigh , so ate like 3 and 1/2 hotdogs before i go . TATA .
thne took taxi to dover mrt station and took mrt home . zz , so tired . eheh , but still SO HUNGRY . i wanted to go buy KFC ( mouth-watering cripsy chicken skin with tender and juciy chicken meat ,
AWWW!! WHO CAN RESIST?!? ) lol , but my father said , COME HOME BY 10 ! .
so eh , the time now is ...
WHAT!!! 9.45 pm !! so rush to Old Chang Kee and bought curry puff . WAHAH . yummy yummy .
then went home le .ugh , finally got rid of the smelly me . ahah , no la ,
hehe , i enjoyed today . even though i didn't get to eat much , i really enjoyed myself. thanks to everyone and to the one who organised this bbq party . ahah , CHEERS!
but , aiyah , today isn't my day la . my luck today sucks .
whatever , i felt so despised by the above that i am always unlucky . should have asked Santa for the BESTEST LUCK . sigh , okay , that's so not cool for doing this to me .
anyway , i got to go sleep liao la , im so beat :) .
take care everyone !