Had my very first Printmaking workshop and we are taught how to use the press machine to print our drypoint! It was tedious, but fun and I was feeling a sense of achievement after that trolool whaaaaaa.
Random sightings in school. Looks like a teddy bear stripped down till its legs D:
Glass panel on the ground that I always avoid walking onto because I keep having this illusion that it's gonna break under my weight and I'll fall down and die. Paranoid much!
Just woke up for a nap and i'm feeling abit dazed nao... I'm so lost in school now, everyone seems to know what they are doing, but I'm like, WHAAAAAAAAATTTT???????//////// Researching terms like analytical and theoretical doesn't help because I as much as I want to, I CANNOT UNDERSTAND. I feel so retarded and useless, so shallow and uneducated. I wished I was more knowlegdeble and wise, I wouldn't have so much problems with all the work that requires this understanding. As much as I want to start reading books, I tried a couple of times, reading variety of book contents, and I always want to drift off to sleep or realised I was just reading blankly and had to re-read again. Srsly, what's wrong with me? Is there such thing as a person who cannot sit still and read books? Le sigh.