It was a very lovely morning when i woke up to prepare for Cultural Night :D
All the PAGs had to arrive early in school and set off to Victoria Hall just to rehearse and do some adjustments. And band was the very first to perform on stage! Guess how damn nervous we are when the curtains opened! I was practically breathing in and out to soothe myself. But I think the performance went well (: After our performance, all of us were very cheery lor. xD
I really don't know what to say. Yesterday was a long day but then everything came to an end so quickly. All the PAGs did a great job! I think our principal will be impressed :D
The band members were given a extra ticket for the circle seats for a wonderful memorial.
I don't know how, I don't know when but I can't help but fall into the hands of BEEF. Now i love Korean beef hotplate, Mac's DOUBLE cheeseburger, Burger King's Whopper with Cheese, Pizza Hut's beef lasgana and the beef itself.
I LOVE BEEF LAHS. I'm not suppose to consume any beef at all due to my religion. But my pops told me can eat outside, not at home. So, just eat lor! :D I prefer pork than chicken, duck than pork and beef than duck :D Aahahah, if you can't eat beef and you want to try how beef tastes like, try ostrich meat. Tastes almost the same.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, today damn tired lahs. So damn dumb till I forget to bring my clarinet to school. Then have to bother my mum to help me bring to school. D: JIAYOU YCMB! And all PAGs :D My feets are killing me! All because of my hard black shoes lah. No cushion at all, $22 SOMEMORE!! Boooooooo!! Aiyah, today went siao. :D Really siao lor, cos I became siao at the wrong time. HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :X Tomorrow got band practice! YAAAY!!!!! I'm so going to try Mos Burger's beef burger lah. Never try before. :D LETS GET ADDICTEEDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean it. Damn! Well, we were sort of late by the time we took the bus. So we alighted at the busstop opposite Princess Elizabeth Primary School and start waving for taxi. The worst thing, ITS RAINING. And no one brought any umbrella. Sigh. Joey, Shak and Ahmad went to the other side of the road to wait for taxi. And yes, they got a taxi first while Rafi, Marcus, Nuzrath and me was left to stand idiotically under the rain, hailing for a damn cab. WHY CAN'T PEOPLE TAKE PITY ON DRENCHED TEENAGERS AND STOP TO GIVE US A RIDE?! All the taxis are either heading to Jurong area, busy or changing shift. I was so pissed I shouted at every unavailable taxi that passed by and got everyone staring at me. SEE WHAT SEE?! NEVER SEE SIAO LANG BEFORE?! xD.
Okay okay, really siao liao cos we are like really very late liao lor. The concert starts at 5 and we are like, OMG, it's 4.45pm liao. Want call cab anot?! Then Nuzrath and Marcus will say don't lah, don't waste money. Yayaya, so like, after 30 long minutes, we finally got a cab. A MERCEDES CAB. Alright, how the hell do I spell that brand. AAHhh whatever. We were late there however luckily we are still able to enter the hall. It's at ACS barker btw :D After the concert, took the bus to Far East Plaza and we ate Burger King! YUMYUMYUM!! It's been like, months since I've touched Burger King. :D Ate the Whopper With Cheese. GAHHAHHA, burp! So big lor, so super full.
Then walk walk till Somerset and went to Esplanade with Joey and Marcus. Start to chat and chat and chat chat chat chat, chat till back to Boon Lay and went to Macs at Jurong Point for supper. :D Then went home liao. And my pop's now nagging at me to sleep. -.- Why now? Not the past few days? Lmao.
Anyway, this is how beautiful the clouds is before it rained on Thursday.
In the bus 66. Hahah.
EEeeyer, so grainy. Hahah, my phone cam lor.
BLAAAHHHHHHHHHh, hmm, getting drenched in the rain is actually kind of fun :D
I just freaking woke and I dreamt about Christmas + Christina Agurelia + another pop singer. Omg, how weird is that?! My brawns been giving me weird dreams. Even I'm scared of them now.
HAHAHAH! Hmm, don't know why i even wanted to blog.. HAHAHS! o.o Later at night then blog again lah. I think. :D I'm going to attend Shuqun's concert. WEETS! Been a long time since I've attended concerts. blah and blah and blah and blah blah.
..Right, I'm blogging so terribly boring nowadays. S-I-G-H. My tummy's hurting from the hunger! :D EAT EAT EAT HEHEH.
If you're feeling a little low, then watch this!
AFV - I can't Dance
LMAO! The last one really makes me ROFL. Comon people, don't be sad ya. ITS CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!...soon! :D HAHAHA, aw man. I just love Christmas. And all the jingly songs.
WOOHOO! I CAN'T DANCE! Yeah I really can't -.-
Friday, November 24
She have hair finally! I shall call her green charbo. :D I help her style her hair one lor! HAHAHAH, siao liao. Must go bathe liao, my pops nagging -.- As always. D:
Took the cab with Wirda, Nuzrath and Marcus to West Coast and met up with the rest, Joey, Wan Teng, Samantha, Shak, Rafi and Idris. Then we went to find a empty BBQ pit. RIGHT, I shall confess! We didn't book any pits, nor did we used any pits. We had our own manual BBQ griller and just used the tables and seats at the pit. Thank God no one was using the pit we were in. In fact, it seemed that we were the only one around there BBQ-ing. xD. While the rest was busy with the charcoal and fire, Nuz and me went to the toilet nearby and starts to fill our waer balloons!
But the effing pumps provided with the package is so DAMN KANASAI. Can't even pump air into it lor. Then Marcus, Idris and Wan Teng came along to help us. Nuzrath found a solution, that is to stick the opening of the balloon onto the tap and then let the water flow in and, WAW LA! It perfectly works! But it's kind of scary though. The guys seemed to be able to make fully rounded water balloons while the girls and me made ones that look like... a FAT, SHORT, BANANA. Lmao.
"OMG, is it raining?" Nuzrath suddenly asked. Ahuh, heavy raindrops can be heard. Poor thing, everyone at the pit ran over to the toilets to take shelter. Thank God the toilets are clean. AHHhhhhh, everyone was wet anyway, so all of us played at the grounds outside the washrooms, yes, UNDER THE HEAVY POUR. WEEEEEEEEETS! Playing "monkey" with Marcus' soccer ball and been splashing around with water. WAahah, it's raining men!
The rain stopped after like, close to a hour? Then we headed back to our wet pit and wet belongings. GRRr, must start the fire again! Poor thing. It was around 6 when we finally got to eat a few hotdogs, wings and crabsticks. Then I went to fetch Suhana from Macdonalds. Damn far xD. Who cares, I'm happy to see her!
We all BBQed till 11.15 lor! Damn late one. Hahah, still have some raw chicken wings. Sorry Joey! But anyway, we all had fun today can liao.
Aiyah, summary;
F is for fire that burns down the whole town. U is for Uranium....bombs! N is for no surrrrvvivors.
F is for friends who do stuff together U is for You and Me. N is for anywhere and anytime at all, down here in the deep blue sea. Love you guys! & I love the BBQed mashmellows!
Damn, I had a hard time pushing myself to blog lmao.
Anyway, yesterday Nuz and I went to Suntec to watch the 8th Singapore Motorshow!
HAHAHAH, took alot of pictures so, I'll just post them randomly. (I have no effing idea what Nuz was talking about the cars. Somehow, I was influenced by car-madness Nuzrath and too got mad into the cars :D) And yes, we can get into most of the cars! SHOUT WEEPEEE!!!
I just love the porches-lookalike or whatever you call them. WHAT DO YOU CALL THEM, NUZ?!
Went into the shiny black (fill in the blanks) and took a photo!
Grrr, all the lightings and my bad photography.
This cool car with a boom box at the back!
Xbox designed car. Sexy-back.
Love the designs Love the hot seat!
OOOHHHHHh, and all the models are pissing Nuz and me because they are all over the nice cars. Can't blame them though, it's their jobs. And the way men smirks at the sight of them, IS FUCKING DISGUSTING BLEAH. GRRr.
SHE DARE POSE FOR ME?!?!? Aww fuck off the car. I just want the car lah.
WEEEETS! White cars are so hot! So are piping Red cars! SO SEXY LOR!
What I heard from Nuzrath is that this car is used in the movie, Casino Royale! xD
The vintage, Chairman.
LAMBORGHINIS! Damn, I never figure out how to spell them.
I just love this cars!
Take a look at this cute cars!
For me! HAHAHAH, (can't even fit lah... xD)
Today had a long day of practice and rehearsal. Man, it was hella tiring. But don't know why I like to help the percussionists with their heavy and bulky instruments. Lmao! Its just so ... fun? xD Tomorrow there's practice again! WEEEEEEEEETS, I'm just so happy and I can't wait! OOohh, and there's BBQ with my bandmates/classmates/girls! GAHAHAH, it's going to be a hell lot of F-U-N! CANT WAIT LAHS. HHmm, roaasted mashmellows. Yum!
Damn, I had a hard time pushing myself to blog lmao. Anyway, yesterday Nuz and I went to Suntec to watch the 8th Singapore Motorshow!
HAHAHAH, took alot of pictures so, I'll just post them randomly. (I have no effing idea what Nuz was talking about the cars. Somehow, I was influenced by car-madness Nuzrath and too got mad into the cars :D) And yes, we can get into most of the cars! SHOUT WEEPEEE!!!
FUCK LAH, the effing whole pictures thing was screwed so tomorrow then fix can cos I'm SOOOOOO TIRED LAH! Ggrrs. Sorry (:
Today, went to EXERCISE HAHAH. Played badminton and Miao gave a surprise visit! Haha! (Thankyou) Then Nuz and I torture him in the blazing sun. xD Damn, playing badminton is like only kind of sports I'll like. Hahah! Running/jogging is totally out. Duh. After playing badminton, Nuz and I cycled all the way to the Jurongblahblah Sports Centre?(I didn't check the name of it xD) somewhere near City Harvest Church. Then we had like an hour of exercise in the Gym. WOOHOO!!!!! Damn tiring but then, it felt kind of good xD We lost about 200+ calories I guess. But then, I think i gained back after eating my lunch lor. LMAO. Blah. Nuz and me will be going to the gym once a week. I'll be slim by Feb2007, just you watch. xD ..Just kidding lahs. BOOOO, I'm so damn tired and I couldn't nap in the afternoon because I won't be able to sleep at night after that. (pathetic.) So, I'm going to sleep after this.
YAY! There's band rehearsal tomorrow! Can't wait lah. Can't wait to sleep now too.
What the fuck will that two words, DON'T WORRY, do anything.
Girls, please be extra careful on a crowded MRT train. Especially when you are sitting down and it's a little bit squeezy. It's okay if you are between females. But be VERY VERY VERY observant when a guy is beside you. Let it be a good-looking young man, or a old pervertic-looking man. When you notice that the man beside starts taking advantage, etc. getting close to you, purposely spreading his legs apart to meet yours, moving his arms to meet yours, moving slightly close to you when he can fucking move aside, or if you feel REALLY UNCOMFORTABLE.
Please, please, get out of the seat immediately. And if you can, please step hard on that fucking ji gou pek's feet and give him a hard stare that he can never forget. Or if you are brave enough, stand up, smile to him, and then give a step on his nuts. I gurantee he'll never forget this moment.
Sinec I've been back from Thailand, I've forgotten that Singapore is full of perverts and jerks. Now I remember, I'll be more careful. Please girls, take care of yourself and be very careful because this kind of stuffs, will scar your heart and will disgust you so badly.
Guys, if your girl ever got taken advantage off, (touchwood.) Please don't say, "Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine"
BECAUSE ONCE THIS HAPPENS, THEY CAN NEVER FORGET IT. And everything's going to be fine? Yeah right. Just console by saying something like, "No use wasting your energy ranting or getting angry over a fucking lao jigoupek." and promise her that next time, you will stand by her and ensure nothing like that happens again.
Sigh, I bet that fucking old pervert's computer must be scammed with spywares, hacks and viruses for visiting too many pornography sites that he have to come out and take advantage of females. WHAT THE FUCK! Curse you to get posseesed by demons over too much pornography viewing and then go to the lowest level of Hell. I know I'm evil. Whatever because now my hatred for men really grows.
STEPUP! was a nice movie! Hahah! The dance steps are fantastic xD Well, recommanded for this month (: Weee! $8 more to my Cooking Mama! LMAO!!!11. I'm poor. D:
2 more years and I'll be having my 'O' levels. Can see it's damn stressful. OMG IM SEC3 NEXT YEAR. I always look up to the Sec3s when I'm in the Sec1. (still a fucking idiotic kid then.) HAHAHAHAH! I feel...... senior now! :D I can't wait to watch Step Up! Ggrrr, the worst part is that I might end up trying to imitate their dance moves... while I'm showering. :X & then, *slip!*
BAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! Kid: Omg! MAAA, what is that sound? I very de scared. Mum: Earthquake! I thought Malaysia or Indonesia will block for us one!? Come lets go!
Then when I come out of the shower room, will see people running panicky on the road. HAHHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111. . . . . . . . .
boring. My pops keep asking me to take a bath. It's only 8.10pm damnit. Sigh, I bought this vintage tee from Thailand and then it wasn't in the luggage when we came back. I fucking love it mans! Why must it go missing?! WHY!WHY!WHY!? And I only bought 2tees from Thailand. And I was in there for like 1week. Damn fugging shitass @#%%$^#! clothings just don't fit me because I'm fugly. It's sad know! Aiiiiiiyaaah. Just pray my mmissing tee will fly all the way back to me. It will, I know it (: Nah.
I forgot all my Chemistry, my Physics, my Maths, my studies. Luckily Miao's going to tutor me hur. HAHAHA! Hopefully I can concentrate and not sleep lah. ZZzz.
I NEED MORE CLOTHING OKKKKKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAYYYYYY1!!!!!!!11 Darn! Either it's this one make me look to old, or too childish or I ruin the look of it. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I go take a bathe to get the heat down.
HELLO PEOPLE! Finally I have picked up the strength to post. ... Nevermind.
I won't be going from Day 1 to Day 7 cos I have short term memory and I can't really remember what really happened, where, who and how. So, the pictures are the speech for me. OOOHHH, hell, people have been asking me if I had fun.
AND-OH, N-O. Hahah, I miss band, my friends and Singapore. Though the atmosphere up in the hills/mountains are like, fantastically fresh. You can smell the aroma of the lush green grass and swaying trees. Birds chirping blahblahblah, like a fairytale scenery. Thailand is HAZE-FREE! Thank God I get to get away from the haze for a week. Hah.
Checking in! The flight took about 2hours and 15minutes. Torturing plane. Tiger airways leh. (Budget airport. Lmao!)
Right, i remember now. After i reach Chiangmai, which is around 10am here, we were driven to our resort hotel, Downtown Inn. Quite a small one but the service is pretty good.
Then we went to have our brunch at a seafood restaurant nearby. Okay lah, the most amazing thing in that place is the washroom. And then,
SEE! Cleaner than my school's toilet!
While walking back, bought some fresh, big, fleshy grapes from this uncle pushing the styrofoam box on the, ...whatever it is.. trolley? Juicy ahuh. (:
And then, we went to this IT Mall which is also nearby, to get 2 sim card for my mum and me. So that we can contact each other. Damn, the phones there are like cheaper. Lol! Everything seems so cheap there lah. Makes me feel rich for once! Hee xD. Yeah, headed back to the hotel after that. And my aunt came! WITH MY BABY COUSIN, ANGIE!!!1.
AWWWWWW xD. That night, went to a night bazaar which is like about 10 minutes walk from the hotel. I wonder how I managed stand that. My dad and Angie! I want to cuddle her! Hahah!
The second day, woke up early in the morning and had breakfast buffet. Hahah, will get the free pass when you check in to the hotel. It was yummmmmmmyyy! Sunnyside-up, bacon, bread and butter. I FELL IN LOVE WITH BACONS! Cos they sortof relieve my motion sickness. Anyway, you can pay mini bus drivers to travel around! So, we got one and set off to the mountains to visit a temple.
Oh yeah, on the way, we purchased fireworks, rockets explosives whatever whatever for the LoyKrathong festival that's going on in Thailand from 4thNov onwards. It usually last for three or four days. I'm not very good at these xD.
It reads: Warning! Hen Laying Egg LMAO! I didn't buy it though, I have no idea what it does. (Anyway, see the bombshell-lookalike thingy that has 10/20 on it? You'll get to see what it does below.)
The bag of rockets!
Yuupp, and it took bout an hour or more to reach there. You will die in Thailand of impatience if you are very very impatient. The hot spots are like an hour or few hours away! You'll need a vehicle. Going up! xD
And here we are! There are two temples.
AND Look almost the same! xD Although its cold up there, you'll sweat by just struggling your way through the steps halfway. Scenery! Blah, it's more beautiful in person if you see it with your own eyes.
SUGARCANE SNACK! On the way back! xD It's hard -.- You have to be the grinding machine (whatever you call that) and bite the cane, then the sweet, fresh juice will ooze out of it! It's pretty nice! FRESH OUT OF YOUR MOUTH, HOWS THAT. You can't eat that, that is what happens to the cane when the juice is grinded out. Y'know what I'm trying to say?! Boy, I don't even know.
After that, went up all the way. To the... And the calculation below is, 25 653 341 Meters Above Mean Sea Level. OOOOHH, :D
Waterfall! I forgot the name lah, all so cheem one. It's not very clean and people still play in it. It's fun though, having the currents against you. Lmao.
Alright, at night! Time to celebrate! On the way to this temple, big enough to play with explosives, the dark clear sky is filled with glittering yellow orange flames, like stars turned orange. It's gorgeous. If only you were here.
It's time to make some lanterns fly! This is how you do it, First, light the middle up, making sure fire catches all round it. Then, hold up the top to prevent the fire from burning it. Wait patiently for the lantern to set up.
If possible, pose, smile and take a picture when the thing is set. (Mum&Dad xD)
And count 1, 2, 3! OFF IT GOOOOOOESSSS! The longer you hold, the more higher it'll go. The sky is all filled with lanterns. So beautiful.
Anyway, they sell animals to be set free as it is a symbol of having good fortune and luck. Birds to be set free, and turtles and fishes are to be set free in the flowing river nearby. Tadah! Full of floating flowers. Hahah, I don't know what they call that thing that they float on the water. But everyone does it duing LoyKrathong. It's fun! Hahah! I flipped over my flowerbed (let's just call it flowerbed) when I came over to Thailand in 2004. But it didn't this time! Yay! xD
Don't estimate that old looking bombshell, see what it does.
Ignore the singing, that's my aunt. She's not Angie's mum, she's another aunt :D And she is travelling with us.
Yeap, that's about it. Then went home, had a small supper on roasted chicken(YUMS), washup blahblah then went to bed. It's a very tiring day.
Next day, had the breakfast again, then brought luggage and headed to the travelling bus center to buy tickets to ChiangRai, to visit my Grandma. That freaking ride was like 3hours +. But luckily there is comfort and space, can sleep almost to 180degrees okay! Don't pray pray! xD The bus conductor is a ... y'know. Tsk tsk.
Anyway, reached ChiangRai still have to take a taxibus to my Ahma's home. SAY HELLO TO THE JACK RUSELL FEMALE FAMILY!
The mom, Hebi. Everyone calls her Bi though. She likes to get stroked on her head.
The mum has darker spots than her children do. Seems to always be the one lying on it's bed, made out of old rags and clothes. (It's hella comfortable, really.) She seems really quiet but she'll be the one barking the loudest and chasing the stray dogs away. She's THE mum see. :D
The child, Neen. Likes to roll over and get stroked.
She is THE MOST ADORABLE! She had big, fully black eyes that will sparkle at you! She is also very sweet. Once, she was scared because of the big stray dogs that came into our gate, that she ran up to me with that whining. AWWww, I squatted, sayang-ed her and gave her a hug. She's so adoring! xD
The second child, Thomp. Strange name but i like it xD. She is alway trying to lick my face :D
I didn't like her in the first place. She is always growling at the sister and she had deep yellow eyes, different from mum and sister. But later on, I began to apperciate her more and I fell in love with those deep, yolky eyes. Those eyes spoke to me.
And there's a pig too! OINK!
My grandma's house :D
Rice have never tasted so good until I tried their's! I wonder why, and then I saw this. THE RICE ARE FRESH!! xD It's very fragrant and so full of, life. Ok, over dramatic whatever.
I went to elephant riding too!
That was my aunt and my mum. Yup, that's the aunt who sang :D
Of course I rid an elephant too :D Damn, it was high, very imbalanced and it'll scare you when the elephant goes down a slope. I do pity the eleplants, isn't it sort of.. abusing? Because the whole ride is close to an hour and they have to go up&down quite a number of slopes. Poor thing eh? I felt gulity for riding it. D: But it was a good experience. You can buy a bag of elephant food (contains bananas and sugarcanes) and feed them. Hahah, their skin is so like, TOUGH! UGH!
That night, we set off the remaining fireworks we had left.