Friday, March 31
exclamation mark ;
you kept looking towards my direction . are you looking at me or some other girl you might have fallen for ?
yeah . and around 9 the sun as blazing on us . then we are like fried fries liao . a really warm and hot weather lah . but when it's dismissal , it kinda dizzled abit followed by heavy rain .
i felt like turning back to cover you from the rain .
erna , nuzrath , shak , rici , rafi , boaz , idris and me went to jurong point for lunch .
hahas . erna and me were broke . so boaz decided to buy some sliced fruits for all of us to share .
while eating , suddenly the topic of strawberries came into and nuzrath went to buy strawberries from the drinks stall . but everyone was still damn hungry , (except for shak , rafi and idris . coz they bought lunch!) so i suggested to buy carrot cake ! hei carrot cake ((: .
then we shared . haha , shak so good , give one wantan to me .
after lunch , we went to library . but on the way , nuzrath , erna and i got excited as we saw the pet shop outside 7-eleven . erna was like " OHMYGODOHMYGOD!! I WANNA GO IN!! I WANNA GO IN !!!!!! " . which , erm , kinda freaked me lah . coz , YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN HER EXPRESSION :DDD .
anyways , the dogs so kawaii ! as usual (: . then got one jack russell terrier puppy , just only about 2months ++ old and it's all lonely in that stupid damned small cage . it looks so cute and innocent , at the same time , sad and lonely . it cried , it did cried . it was shivering and it's eyes scream for his mother . but no one was there to comfort it . all it could do is curl up at a corner and cry ! OH MY GOD OKAY ! you should have seen it cry !!! nuzrath , erna and me just stood there helplessly . i want to cry okay !!! what cruelty is this ? come to think of it , the animals in the pet shop doesn't have freedom at all !!! all animals are stuck in their small cage and worst , some was still in there since like last year ?
HELLO ? SHOULD GOVERNMENT DO ANYTHING ABOUT THIS ? this poor little 2month++ old jack russell puppy was separated from his parents at such a young age . the eyes .. so innocent yet so miserable . the sorrows are all in his eyes . the way it cried , really breaks the fuck out of my heart. GRRRRR , IF ONLY I HAD THE MONEY ! I WOULD HAVE BOUGHT ALL THE DOGS AND SET THEM FREE !
all of them keeps scratching against the cage because they want to be freed so badly :( .
seeing those dogs, really BREAKS MY HEART .
protest against animal abuse ! GRRRs , how could they do this to the precious lives created by God ?
anyway , after that , nuzrath , erna and me went to library to find the guys . all waiting for us . muahah , sorry mah .
yeah , then we went to read books . nuzrath found this freaky book ; The Old Wives' Tales .
you know , all those superstitious stuff . ITS FREAKY AND IT SCARES THE BEEJEES OUT OF ME OKAY . and she still can borrow home to read T_T .
then i took some cookbooks ! OMG OKAY ! THE FOOD ALL LOOK SO YUMMY . then i didn't eat alot for lunch mah . myy stomach really growling , FUCK , IT IS GROWLING OKAY . i COULD EVEN HEAR IT . lucky it was soft lor , if not pai seh : D .
then around 5 we all went home le .
such a tiring day because of all the cheers and screaming . i DO feel better after screaming out loud (: .
i can't stop looking at you
i just can't , take my eyes off you .
there's still this little drop of hope .
and i won't let go of this hope until
nothing remains .
YAY , NOW BETTER !!! . lol , i
hees , the picture takes longg time to load anyways . i'm way too lazy to do anything about it .
sigh , later have sports days . hee , the fries they sell they are quite nice . better go grab some later .
and yay ! can wear class tee ! although my class tee not nice ( COZ DESIGNED BY ME , SOBS , SORRY CLASS :( ) , but , WHO CARES LAH . as long as we are one class united . which uhhh , i guess only one part of the class IS united . hah .
hmm , now is 4am in the morning . i planned to wake up at 3am with THIS PARTICULAR PERSON and SHE/HE IS STILL FUCKING SLEEPING NOW. lols , call her/him and no avail :( . guess i have to wait till he/she wakes (:
hee , i so patient .
later meeting shak , idris , wan teng and rici to go to jurong stadium . HAHA , feels so great lah . no school and lessons . i wanna bring camera !!! but then the school rules still appiles lor T_T . i bet almost all students still bring their phones lah . hee , later can use my phone to take me and my darLADIE n ((: .
bogoshipta . i still can't accept the fact that you left .
everytime i try to , my heart rips apart hard and it aches like fuck .
xiu ying ask me to say hi to him and told me to make friends with him ..
it hurts even more just to be friends .
i don't want to be friends ,
because we have been further than just being friends .
anyway , will he talk to me ? or even make friends with me ?
i got this awky feeling that he's trying to avoid me .
sighs , the pain and the suffering don't suck ,
it's me who suck .
Thursday, March 30
wind energy is for spinning the blades of the windmills so as to generate electricity ,
wind energy is used to turn turbines to generate electricity.
sigh , i think i did quite badly for this test , due to the miserable fact that i studied alot .
anyways , band practice was borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriing today lah . whatever . hee (:
don't avoid me .. please don't . all i just ask for is just to see you everyday . saranghaeyo (:
tomorrow is sports day ! HAHA . kept thinking tomorrow is saturday cuz no school ! HAHAS , weepee! must scream my lungs out tomorrow . hee .
sigh , so fast i miss him already ...
tomorrow can see him liao . i hope : ( .
Wednesday, March 29
tomorrow have geography and science test .
geography damn chiam because got 3 topics to cover on .
today , lessons went on as per normal. hahas , i like wednesdays because there's D&T , drama class , art . geography and maths are EXTRAS :x .
did practical for D&T today . hees , i bent my acrylic strip using a strip heater ! HAHA , so fun eh (: .
but i hate the dust and those little particles that seem visible under sunlight . when i breathe , my nose will itch or the particles will itch my throat and make me cough. so irritating !!! GRR .
anyways , drama class on wednesday is boring , tomorrow's one is better (tsk,because of the teacher-in-charge:X)
yupyupyup , i will put up my new skin this week soon , maybe on saturdays coz i'm usually busy on weekdays .
WITH BAND . lol ,
today had sectional practice .. my reed cracked :( . but i'm still using it ... SHHHHHHHHH LAH .
i have difficulty using the new reed Banu just gave me lor . so hard to blow my darinet with it : ( .
okay . at around 4.30 , idris , chaqqif and me packed up and left for jurong stadium because they are running for inter-sports CCA ? UH , WHAT DO YOU CALL THAT ? aiyah , just a race among all the cca groups lah . doh.
then didn't know Banu and her friend waiting for chaqqif to go to the stadium together . WEE , GOT COMPANY ((:
hees , then cheered for them lor . (hee,ishoutedhisname((((:)
uhhh , the results were pretty disappointed . maybe we will get disqualified ! but , whatever , band rocks the most in music ((: BLEAH .
kay kay kaykays . so after the race ( ahem , by the way , it's just sports heats . like practise like that lah . pai seh .)
then went home le .yeah , haha .. i ate alot today again .let me recall .. morning i ate a piece of sliced sponge cake . then recess i had kway teow with hashbrown . later in the afternoon i ate two nuggets and a siew mai . not forgetting that i drank water from water cooler , ribena and two packets of winter melon . then, at home i ate two mini kit kats and one calbee HOT AND SPICY potato chips . SEE , I SO FAT . sigh ,my appetite is growing .. i think i really REALLY better control my diet le . later get fat , not nice :(
Tuesday, March 28
TNFs hee (: ;
ya .. suhana sat with me at the back for the whole day ! HAHAHAHA , hees . we can't stop singing ((:
TNFs is created by ladie 'N' and MISSartee on 28th March 2006 during Geography lesson (:x) THREE CHEERS !!! WEEE.
hee , my father ask me whether i wanna cut and rebond my hair again . I WAS LIKE WHAT THE HELL ? REBOND AR ? HAHHAAH , sigh , if only i still had my long hair :( i kinda miss it okays ! can use it to SWAK people . heeheeh . last year want to rebond must please him then he agree . now he so automatic , come and ask me . LOL , okay baddd . anyway , i said next time when my hair grow longer . MY HAIR NOW SO SHORT LOR . not even shoulder length . sobs . cut my hair ? maybe lor , i want spike : DDD HAHA . whatever .
confirm fail my maths test today . CUZ I DID WRONGLY , almost for like half of the questions . doh .
2y - 8 = 0
2y = 8
y = 2/8 OR 8/2 ??!?!?!?!??!
THAT'S WHERE I FUCKING GOT LOST AND I WROTE 2/8 !!!!! . then later suhana told me it should be the other way round .
sigh , fail fail . :(
bored LAH can ..
today band practice my junior bad mood :( . then show attitude lors ! haha , but later i sort of like tell her to chill and console lah . then she okay le , see i so good ? hees .
bored .
what now ?
when we look into each others' eyes ,
you totally melt my heart ,
everytime i see you ,
i'll get breathless
and my heart can't stop beating fast
you were in my head everytime i try to sleep .
and when i think back ,
my heart seems to break .
you were my nightmares every night
but yet i seem to overcome anything
when all i could just do is think about you .
where ever i am ,
what ever i do ,
i will always think of you too .
saranghae..saranghae ..
Monday, March 27
oh hah , i better stop grr-ing or start with a frightening starting if not i will scare my readers away ! yeah yeah .. let me try ..
hey hello . how are you ? i am FUCKING Fine .
doh , i can't type decent . holy sorry . hee .
HAHA , HELLO , HAHA , IM SO HAPPY TODAY BECAUSE , HAHA , .. i'm not exactly happy today though .
DUH , .. sigh . today didn't have mass run ! but then we did tiring exercises in the hall . and FUCK them ( the teachers ) . hall only activated 2-3 fans lor . WHAT THE TOOTS . 4 CLASSES , WITH ALMOST 240 STUDENTS WAS IN THE HALL INCLUDING THE 3 TEACHERS AND THEY FUCKING NOT SWITCH ON ALL THE FANS .
then everyone got sibei warm and sweat sweat sweat .
at least better than mass run. why can't it just rain heavily until the hall collapse . HAHAA , okay , touchwood .
ya , did like 37 squats .. whatever lah . later caused me to have woobly legs . i walk like some crap lor . ask suhana , she'll laugh . PAISEH . sure tomorrow have ache at the thigh muscle .
KANASAI . tomorrow got maths test . sure fail i tell you . not because i never study . is i don't know this chapter's concept . sigh , must be independent . tonight i'm going to study ((: .hmm , * amazed by the amount of fats i have *.
omigosh . i think i'm going to be fat already . sigh , i should stop my diet .
LOL , i didn't even go on a diet as planned !! see ? , i eat craps everyday , fried food , processed food (chips and such) , fattening food , oily food whatever you can think of lah . sigh , diet plan failed . i have failed miserably to go on a diet . blahs , anyway,
people , if you are hungry , eat a favourite fruit for a snack , this way , you won't grow fat like me already (:
yeah , eat loads of fruits and vegetables , but remember your 5-7 servings of rice and alternatives you must everyday !
gees , when did i became a F&N geek ? hee , i could remember the servings ! ..though i always get low marks for my f&n/home economics . tsktsk .. (:
sigh , feel like sobbing over my sorrows , but i don't know why it won't come out lah . sigh , i'm so in a freaking miserable state of helldom liao , can't you just let me cry it all out , so my heart won't feel anymore burden inside already ...
i want to go macdonalds at 3am with rici to go and study our maths !!! duh , of course cannot .
awwwwwwwwwww, crappy patty shit , my thighs kinda ache right now . toots , tomorrow pe lesson better not make us run around the canal i beg .
oh yeah , speaking of patties .. : D , i miss spongebob squarepants ! (and patrick:D)
sigh , very long never watch le . and i don't have SCV whatever S lah , then no nick channel . CANNOT WATCH SPONGEBOB !! like NOT FAIR OKAYS !! . sobs. hee , patrick is extremely ke ai . although he is , the absolute dumbiest dummy around .
duh , today rained ! but then it still feels stuffy yeah ? i guess this world is coming to an end soon ..
uh , i crave for watermelon .. HAHA , okay , that is so out of the question . T_T
OHOHOHOHOHOHOH . tomorrow got music test for the woodwinds . hee , hope i can pass lor : (..
FUCK YOU LAH JH , DO YOU KNOW YOU FUCKING BROKE MY HEART AND THEN NOW ITS LIKE CRAPPY SHIT . EVERYTIME SEE YOU MY HEART ACHES LIKE FUCK LOR . WHY MUST YOU APPEAR INFRONT OF ME !!!!!!!! why do i always want you to .. ? I MISS YOU YOU KNOW . SEE YOU ONE TIME IS NOT ENOUGH BUT IT STILL CAN SATISFY ME . LIKE CRAP SIA THIS WORLD , IT'S SO UNFAIR . I'M SO SORRY , i'm so sorry .. bi ane , bi ane . .... sorry .. please don't treat me this way .. please don't ... i don't want ..
PLEASE !!!!!!!
blah ... whatever :((( ...... sighs.
Sunday, March 26
dorm ;
yeah .. hee , the thai guys so shuai one : O . i mean the main actor ((: . two guys were like big pimple freakos . see the face remind me of someone i hate so much in my primary school . GUYSGUYSGUYS , i realised guys in the primary schools like the bully the girls . what the fuck ... lor .
anyway .. tomorrow is school ! doh , mass run again . SUCKS LA ALRIGHT .
sigh . as long as i could see you once everyday ,
it's enough for me .
when you appear infront of me ,
my heart beats , my heart aches .
the content and the sadness
i can clearly remember our first date ...
you held my hand so tight .
i lean on your shoulders , so comfortable.
you are the only one who can give happiness to me ,
at the same time ,
misery and hurtfulness to me .
memories seem to reflect back
i miss those times we had .
joonhong ar .. you know .. bo go ship ta .. bo go ship ta ... my life become so breathless after you left.. my heart aches so much , the pain was so piercing . but it was actually you who kept me alive now .. because i live for you . i live to see you everytime in school .
even that one little second means so much to me .
your eyes .. they can look so deep into mine and melt my heart .
your laughter and smiles , i'll smile along , but it hurts .. oh it hurts..
saranghaeyo .. saranghae,
cheers to the baka who is still waiting for you .
Saturday, March 25
doh ;.
OKAY FINE IM BAD . so WHAT man . it's me . IM ME . at least i'm better then those people who acts like some CUTIE-PIE CUM SWEETIE-PIE . oh well , grrrrr . naw , i'm not angry . i just got DISGUSTED .
woo , i feel like playing diablo II out of a sudden . can anyone lend me the disc : DD . i guess i'm too bored at home already .
hehehe , i'm going to make another new layout liao !! . hmmm , trying to get some ideas and inspirations .
ugh , here's one disgusting arsehole online now . doh , he better not talk to me . FH , YOU BETTER NOT !
oh yeah , did you TOLD me the last two previous month ( YES , I CAN STILL REMEMBER ) that your gay friend told you that Christina was a bitchy , flirty student in my school ? . HAH , you doh . do you even realise that there's not only one Christina in my school ? oh , who are you refering to ? me or some other ? WHATEVER DUDE . bitchy yes , but flirting ? i decline that shit bullass .
go look yourself in the mirror before judging someone else . HUR , IM UGLY . doh , at least i'm pimple-free . not like erm , someone . DOH , I MEAN NOT LIKE YOU .
hurhur , you haven't changed haven't you ? i'm glad i didn't join you in your freaking school . i won't be able to see jerks like you everyday when i go to school .
*cools down* hee , i'm okay . i need some let out alright ? . hmm , for my new layout , i decided to draw and then scan and do the editting in photoshop ((: 100% ME . ha.ha.haa. whatever.
anyway , go on and read about my past . i think you too will feel disgusted . well , im lucky i've changed for now . to be more bitchier and smarter .
afterall , i've regretted everything . accept for saying those things on valentine's day (: .
wee , i'm a heartbrokened girl but i'm still happy coz i'm forcing myself to be .
i hate guys .
so guys , listen up . you better not freaking piss me off cuz you'll be so sorry the next moment . I HATE MEN . men are just so un-understanding . yadayadayada.
alrights , i shan't critise anymore . later idris and cici come and scold me .
where is the love ?
Friday, March 24
unbelieveable magic ;
he's tricks seem to be real . if only there is Singapore version of Cyril ! WOOTS . here's one magic trick i got from youtube .
you can go to youtube and type " Cyril Takayama " at the search box . be sure to catch it ! ( RECCOMENDED YOU GO CHECK IT OUT . COZ YOU WILL BE LIKE WHAT THE HELL HOW DID HE DO THAT ? )
omg , unbelieveable .i want to meet him in person !! (check out that video where he mysteriously pull out a real burger out from a menu outside a restaurant and later eats it . : D )
anyways , today only me and idris went for the sectional T_T . the rest went home or went for the sports heats.
boring , cuz only two person . but we had Beauty and the Beast duet and ITS SO COOL !! .ahaha , whatever..
tomorrow is saturday ! . i guess it'll be another boring day already , unless someone wants to watch Dorm with me ! COMON , I KNOW YOU WANT IT . T_T
ahwells , i guess imma go back to watching my shuai ge's video ((:. (cyril , HAHA.)
每当想到你 , 我会心疼。
Thursday, March 23
band practiced was shifted to today because there's sports' heats tomorrow . yeah , then practised with my section and then combined ppractise . FCUK MAN ! WE PLAYED SO WEELL L!!! ESPECIALLY THE CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU ! NELSON (playing the drumset) WAS GREEAAAAAAAAAAT !!!!!!!!!! omgomgomogmogmogmgo, our band can do it ! YCSS BAND !! WE CAN DO IT !! WE WILL ACHIEVE !!! YAY!!! HAHA , then my teacher-in-charge came in and requested to hear us play . she said can hear us from the staff room : D . then we played 3 songs . omg, the first song we played , Acclamations , halfway through i feel like crying because of the achievement of my band and i feel so touched by my teacher-in-charge , Ms Loh , her spirt and support for us ! she supported and encouranged us so much . without her , there won't be YCSS band already . COUNTLESS CHEERS FOR MS LOH !!!
hees , i wanna thank her so much for standing alongside with the band at its weakest point . she'll always be there
for us (: .
anyway .. talking about crying .. i kinda miss MR TAN and GENTING . yeah ... recalled the scene where vani and i went to ask mr tan of our performance at stage . then we sort of chatted .. yeah .. how saddening . he patted on vani's shoulder , saying she played very well and should keep it up . and he praised me too ^^ . for coming to band regularly for practises T_T . but i apperciate that (: . then , vani got tears in her eyes , mr tan saw it and patted on her shoulder again , gently saying , " don't cry already . everything is going to be okay . " . with that consolation , vani cried . duh . haha , girls cry more when they get consoled . don't know why (:
sigh , and of course not forgetting when we said our goodbyes and gave our farewell presents to MR TAN .. the girls cried so hard . some of the weaker boys did cry . not surprising .. it was a very sad sad , pitiful scene .. it's even more hurting to see MR TAN trying to hard not to break down too . seeing all the girls sobbing over him , of course he will feel touched , loved and sad at the same time.
we won't forget MR TAN . and he had left a big impression on our hearts . someday he will come back to our band to see us !! WEEPEE ! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HIM !! . probably will be crying if i saw him . i miss him too much (: . i guess the band misses him as much as i do too (: . anyway , the band will be performing for the school during their assembly period on 23rd and 25th of april ( if i remembered correctly ) . yeah , everyone was like HUH ? WHAT FOR ? . then ms loh said that because the school knows the band has improved . then yeah , everyone was like cheering the whole day . everyone went home yippe-yah-yay (: . then idris , shak , vani , wan teng , rici and me went to cheers , bought drinks and we YUM-SEH-ed !!! HAHA. loud loud somemore . felt awkard , coz people looking at us . BUT THAT'S TO THE IMPROVEMENT OF YCSS BAND HUR !! HEHEs. yeah , can't wait for our performance ! COZ WE WILL BE ROCKING THE HALL . HAHAHAHAHHAha.
everytime i see you , my heart aches .
i don't dare to look at into your eyes , because i couldn't find love inside .
i pretend i'm fine ,
i pretend i'm happy .
but deep inside , there's nothing left to hide .
i thoguht about you ,
i thought about us .
i wondered so much .
why did you let go so fast ?
why didn't you held on to me longer ,
or maybe forever ?
i missed the times we had together .
i missed the warmth you always gave.
i missed that smile on your face ,
and that love that seem to light up my life.
but then you just took my heart and broke it ,
threw my love away ,
and left me alone , so coldly .
too hurt to move ,
too sudden for me .
all i could do , is sit there and wait ,
waiting for you to turn back .
but what's the use ? since you have already went far far away.
but i couldn't take the pain , i had no choice .
i'm just there.
i'm there ..
sitting alone .
just waiting for you to come for me ..
dumbly and blindly .
no one who truly cares for me ,
i don't want nothing at all
if it ain't you baby ,
if i ain;t got you baby ..
if i ain't got you with me baby ,
so nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing
if i ain't got you with me babyy..
maybe because i love you too much.
Wednesday, March 22
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, yeah .
i think it's a very meaningful song . if i ain't got you baby .. if i ain't got you .. :(
i admire alicia keys :D . she's so beautfiul and even composes songs on her own ! AND SHE SINGS THEM SOOO WELL ! woot , a perfect girl ((: .
oh , well , i wasn't happy yesterday . erm , i think you can see it out from what i've posted : D . yeah , didn't had the mood to do the 7 qualities thingy so it looks like crap . but whatever. can i do it again ? hee , retest .. uh , what did i say ?
7 qualities of my partner
1) unique . the person who i like seem unique in a way always ((: .
2) devoted to me .
3) understanding . knows how to cheer me up when i'm sad . knows when to be serious and when to be playful
4) caring . always sayang me . LOL , what , girls like to be pampered mah (:
5) tall . i like guys taller than me . i cannot stand shorter guys . sorry : ( , but that's me .
6) faithful always .
7) has a smile like Tom Weiling ( starring in Small Ville and the movies , The Fog , Cheaper and a Dozen 1&2 ) !
hahahahhas , so shuai can ! and the smile ! i love my guy to have that smile (: it so totally melts my heart . (: .
hee , i too demanding . so fuck off guys . hee ((: .
cannot take it . i know it's freaking over BUT I CANNOT TAKE IT.
i fell from such a long waay down and i got hurt so badly . no one was there to pull me up .
i have to be independent . i'm struggling to move through this suffering and painful process .
seems like you are better off without me . that smile on your face , i see it everytime i got a chance to look at you . i'm happy for you . i'm somehow happy for myself too ?
fine ,
don't know why i'm so dumb enough to still be sitting there and waiting for you to turn back.
.. bo go ship ta.. joon hoon.
Tuesday, March 21
global warming . ;
anyway , pe sucked to the core . we were made to run one round around the canal . as usual , my girls and i were walking . (except for vani) ya lor , we're all slackers .
firstly , yes , pe grades are present in the report book but bloody hell lah , it doesn't affect or HELP our end result . so why the toot are the teachers always forcing us to RUN around the freaking canal ? AND WHEN HE KNEW WE WERE WALKING , HE MADE US GO ANOTHER ROUND . fuck you lor .
secondly , napfa is i don't know for what crap . bwcause even if you fail or pass IT DOESN'T REALLY MATTER UNLESS YOU ARE A BADGE FREAK AND WANNA GET GOLD FOR IT . fuck off doh , 2.4km run really sucks . LEAVE THE FAILERS ALONE ! they fail means fail . why make them pass ? FOR WHAT ? WILL HELP PASS MY FAILED PAPERS MEH ? (touchwood) kanasai , what bloody hell thing . not saying that it's wrong to have pe lessons or napfa , BUT , fail means fail !!!! WHY MUST MAKE US RETEST AND RETEST AND RETEST AND IN THE END JUST GET ONE BRONZE BADGE ? WORST , ITS FOR NOTHING LAH . WHAT ? THE BADGE WILL GRANT ME A WISH AR ? THEN FUCK HELL I WOULD RETEST UNTIL I CAN PASS AND GET THAT BlOODY HELL BADGE .
*cooling down*
yes , sorry . hee
shan't talk about it anymore , and better finish blogging if not my parents will start crapping me again (read previous post).
leia TAGGED me !! : DD
7 qualities of my ideal partner.
1) unique
2) devoted
3) faithful
4) who really understands me
5) cares for me
6) tall : D
7) has a heart of gold .
the 7 whom i'm passing down to .
1) cheryl
2) chermaine
3) jia qi
4) idris
5) jacqueline
6) nuzrath ((:
7) xiu ying
hope they read this ((:
okay , i gotta fuck off this com already . doh.
Monday, March 20
untitled ;
tomorrow is dickie's and samantha's birthday !!! AHAHA , guess what vani and i bought for samantha ? GEEHEHE , we're naughty : D . anyways , then rici , idris , boaz , vani and me shared money to buy a present for dickie .
weeeeeeeeeees , can't wait to pull sam's bra strap tomorrow . LOL , oops , SIAO . i not so bad okay ! SHE'S MY DEAREST BUDDY IN CLARINET SECTION . HEHEHHEHE
oh yeah , there's music test for the woodwinds for band tomorrow . kinda scared and excited . i JUST practiced today at home . kinda too late ? gaaaa , now i'm so nervous for tomorrow cuz i seriously didn't play so well for today !!!! . got out of breath easily and such , just one word man . MATI .
anyways , today was tired lah . SLEPT THROUGHOUT THE CHINESE LESSON . HOW FREAKING COOL IS THAT ? if time in my life i've slept so long ( almost one hour ) in class . anyways , almost everyone was sleeping too . heee .
i guess i'll be looking forward to chinese lessons now . i'll use it as my napping time . oops , bad bad . sigh , chinese don't even need to study . all we need is to read more books and get more knowledge from BOOKS ? anything that has chinese characters lah . don't sarcastic me , i'm too tired to bother .
HAHA . oops , no offence SERIOUSLY !!!
grr , got pissed by my parents again . i just don't
as long as i can get good grades for my exams , they should be contented already . why force me to do extra hard work ? YEAH , DO THAT I CAN IMPROVE . bullshit , more stress more lousier i get okay . you don't understand me lah . what the hell . YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW I GOT FULL MARKS FOR MY FACTORISATION TEST (surprising : D) LOR . i like to keep my bloody mouth shut at home . too tired to bother , too lazy to care . share my problems with them ? LOL , WHAT THE CRAP . no problems to share . i don't even care also . blah blah yada yada whatever .
i'm just going to blog and go to bed already . why are you sitting behind me , assuming that i'm going to use the com till SO LATE . HELLO ? YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS FREAKING HOLDING MY TIME DOWN CUZ I WANNA BLOG THIS SHIT AND GO TO BED ALREADY .
please understand me and try not to put me in your the path you want me to go .
tired zzs. (:
Sunday, March 19
superpowers ? ;
mass run sucks big time though .
lol , i finally finished my literature homework today . see i so guai . some people can still go ask rici got what holiday homework . abit too late ? lols .
anyway , was bored lah , so i thought ,
what if i can have super powers ? what will they be and why ? (thought of it cuz i got influenced by answering so many freaking literature questions for my assignment DOH.)
1) ability to control the weather .
WHY - because Singapore won't be so hot and it will be snowing !!!! : D
and if i have the ability to control the weather , there won't be hot weather anymore GAHHAA , HOT WEATHER IS OWNED . =D . and no more global warning ! THANKS TO ME SUCKERS . HOHOHO .
2) ability to mimic
WHY - mimic self , not mimic crap mind you . i'll mimic one thousand Christinas , one at school ( duh , of course i won't take a stupid one and send it to school ) , 500 at work , 2 at home (to do house chores) , 498 around the world doing businesses and 1 ( obviously me ) to slack . HAHAH , FUTURE IS MINE , get lost. grr.
3) ability to move fast
WHY - doh , even if i walk i could complete mass run and 2.4km in first place . HOW COOL IS THAT DOH .
4) ability to move objects
WHY - imagine there's this bytch you hate so much sitting at the back of your class . when everyone stands to greet the teacher , you move the chair away from her and BAM ! SHE GOES DOWN ( and if she altered her skirt before and her panties get flashed , that's an extra bonus . tsktsk. )
5) ability to heal .
WHY - so that everyone on Earth could live healthy (: you'll be seeing old ah peks and old ah mas jogging in the parks still in their late 80s or 90s cuz they are 100% HEALTHY !!! ( and jerks and bytches get 50% healthy. TAKE THAT ! )
heees , okay . i think i'll go do some work (that will help me to get more marks for the literature assignment) TA (:
Friday, March 17
i wanna watch The Dorm tomorrow . anyone want to accompany me ? BAH ,
WHAT THE BLOODY TOOT , I WANNA WATCH V FOR VENDETTA but its BLOODY HELL NC16 . can the government please CANCEL THOSE FREAKING RESTRICTIONS ! just some bloody gore and then NC16 . what the hell . MAKE IT PG14 can . then i can watch lor . DUH . Red Shoes was a Korean horror movie and it was NC16 . BUT IT WASN'T THAT BAD AFTER ALL (i've watched it , don't tell you how hee.) LOR . KANASAI , NOW EVEN SOME PRIMARY SCHOOL KIDS HAVE SEEN GORE BLOODY
lalas . Nuzrath can really scare me with her sarcasm. really is frigging frightening when she goes on action mode . *whimpers* . (: she's a great blogger too ! really make me got LAUGHING OUT LOUD.
oh course mah , my best friend , what do you expect ekeke.
MUMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYY , i wan sushi !! haaha . i want KFC too . oh , yeah , jurong point's KFC renovated and it's looks damn retro ! lol , to imy point of thinking . it look like some lounge , MAN ! if our school have a canteen looking like that ! FRIGGING COOL . oh yeah , evidence -> principals say they wanna make school comfortable and enjoyable for every student to study in . okay , where's my lounge now ?
hee , i think i'll go get a hot chocolate now . MY GOD , if only i had mashmallows. how much tastier the drink would get if i pour a frigging bad of mashmallows
*drools at the thought of it*
what the freak am i doing here ? TA~ HERE I COME HOTCHOCOLATE (without oh-so-fluffy mashmallows : ( )
stop drooling at my blog and go get yourself some junkfood .
Thursday, March 16
weird stuff ;
well , it's GB . hehe , figure out yourself (((: .. so we've been playing and playing . sorry to all my peeps! who msned me and i didn't reply ! so sorry ! please accept my apologies .
yeah , today , the GB had maintenace at 3pm to 4pm , so rici and me decided to go jp to hang out for a while . coincidentally , vani's online , and she lived nearby so i asked her along . apparently , she's at nuzrath's house , who lives 9 storeys above me . yeah , doing some tamil project . okay ! good ! THE MORE THE MERRIER ! YAY!! . so we meet down at the void deck and met rici on the way . hehees , wanted to eat the tiramisu at Coffee Bean ! but in the end , i ended up calling a ice blended Sunrise . rici ordered a n ice blended pure choco . damnit . one small cup and it costs like WHATTHETOOTS . yeah , the taste of Sunrise ... hmm , it's orange . and it's ice blended . LOL . well , it tastes a little sourish , and then bland , followed by sweetness . it's a weird taste , but i kinda LIKE it . OHOH WEIRDWEIRD ME !! hahaa.
then we sat down and chatted until rici and me finished our drinks . we went to value shop and then , the two girls got to go back to do their project . okay , DISMISSED! : D . so rici and me went up to Comics Connection to find the price of something. tsktsk. then YAY ! i bought a korean ice-cream from 7-eleven . i just like korean stuff . teehhee
the ice cream is so DAMN OIISHI i tell you . must go back and buy the next time i visit 7-eleven . but the bad thing is it melts easliy lor . keep dripping . AHAHA , so pai seh . so i quicken my steps to get home , poor rici had to follow despite of his injured TOE . whatever sorry lor dude. : D .
ALRIGHT , can anyone tell me like WHY THE FREAKING HELL i have such a BIG appetite nowadays ! I JUST CAN'T STOP THINKING OF FOOD . and i eat anything edible in sight in my house . lols , crap.
i crave for food even for now and like no matter how much i eat , i don't feel quite satisfied ( FULL ) yet . so wells , i guess you won't recognise Christina Tan Pei Ching already the next few weeks/months . you'll be like ,
you : who the fffaa . you talking to me ? do i like KNOW you ?
me : i'm Christina !!!
you : *thinks* which Christina ? i only know the one who is *** oh-so-pretty and oh-so-sweet and oh-so-cute Christina Tan Pei Ching.
you : HOLY ******** . *pushes me away* YOU ARE ******* KIDDING ME !!
me : no .. it's me :( ...
GAHAHAA , be prepared for the worst .
hee :D
*** ignore the OH-SO-(whateverishere) part ((:
conversation between GOLDCI and ME ;

WAHAHA , damn funny sia .
bleah , i'm so bad . hahhaahs , whatever . i'll go crazy if i need to get over this .
oops , i guess no one dares to msn me anymore . HAHA .
Wednesday, March 15
Yours , Mines And Ours .
it's about a a lady , whose husband has died due to a accident , and a guy , who has divorced with his wife .
the lady has 10 kids , 6 were adopted , while the guy , has 8 kids .
they knew each other from school and were the prom dancers during the prom dance . yeah , sweet . one day , they had this class get-back party and they met and after decided to marry each other because they love children and didn't mind having so many children in their family.
yeah , in the end , the children all got clashes among each other so the eldest , decided to break their parents up . they succeeded but later the children got along with each other and deicided to patch their parents up and admitted that it was their idea to break them up . yeah , in the end , happy ending blah blah lah lah blah . whatever.
okay , rating i'kll give is 2/5 . it's really darn freaking boring and you can't wait to get out of the cinemas .
that's me , and so were the other friends . well whatever.
today just sucks .
sucks so much .
so what if i cried , i guess you won't even care.
BLAHS , ahahas .
you are just using me because someone did this to you.
nevermind . i still like you . naw , i still love you .
i've done the biggest mistake in my life ,
that is to commit myself to you so early .
you raised me up high ,
and made me fall real deep .
enough already
just pop the question and go.
everyone , i'm okay . i just need to let out . i love my friends .my friends will be my boyfriend ! YAY *hugs*
Tuesday, March 14
peeps out there ;
every girls would want a perfect guy and vice versa .
but on Earth , nothing is really perfect . if not , life will be meaningless already .
but hey , no one in this world will have a perfect straight journey in their lives .
so to depressed peeps out there , don't think your life is meaningless .
because ,
everyone lives on this Earth for a reason , that is to make the imperfects in lives to the perfections of lives.
Monday, March 13
dumdidumdee. ~ ;
hmm , today will be a short post . i'm sorry i hadn't been posting :x . anyways , tomorrow my band is going to have band exchange with Unity Sec . ermmmm , i'm so relunctant to go ? sigh , must go , no choice . and will be able to learn more from them lor . cuz they are so experts (:
yeah , tired today .. think i'm going to sleep early too .
i'm craving for food again .. haahas , but i'm growing FAT . so must cut down .
gosh , my english tofadayt kindaoff suckss lor .
whateevert ..
Saturday, March 11
don't know why ;
anyways , today i wanna talk a little more about me and my family .
i know i'm bad . but that's the way i am . my father thinks that our family is CLOSE . but nah , i think not . it's what he thinks . i don't talk to him . talking to him about my life ? NAH , it's so totally wrong . he don't understand me . neither do i understand him . we clash .
anyways , my brother is happy and yeepee-ing nowadays because he got a female companion already ((: . congrats to him . i feel happy for him uh.
my parents saw my fading scars of my slits on my hand . i know they care , but they want me to tell all my problems to them ? what the FUCK ? imagine telling your parents about your personal life , like you got a boyfriend and they don't accept it . they will GROUND you immediately when they know you have a boyfriend outside .
hey yeah , they care . all parents care for their children . some just don't understand their children . like mines ?
today , parents and me went to bugis . nothing much , just shop shop around . BORED .
i'm a sad case just like the other heartbroken-eds out there .
hahas , whatever .
if you run , i'll chase .
if you hide , i'll find you .
you know i'll love you .
i'll love you so deeply ,
and the words i say to you are
always from the bottom of my heart. ((:
Friday, March 10
anyway , today have sports heats after school but i didn't participate in any event . well , coz i'm sort of anti-sporty and as you guys know , i hate to sweat and hot weather so yeah , i didn't go , it wasn't compulsory . so vani , idris , rici , suhana and me stayed in school for sectional practice . but our teacher-in-charge went for the sports heats so we couldn't take the music room keys from her .
in the end, vani and i decided to go to the jurong stadium for the sports heats since we got nothing to do . suhana decided to go home . so she went off , leaving vani and me to search for idris and rici in our classroom , doing the english comprehension . then haslinda was with them too ^^ . then vani and i asked if they want to follow us to the stadium . idris was like , go there for what ? go there no people then our class no people participate then no one to support . and somemore the weather so HOT. okay lor , he made sense . so vani and i changed our minds , we didn't go .
so we had fun in the classroom , and after the two guys finished their work , we went down to the canteen for ice-cream !!! . hehehehe , yumyum . then i really ate alot today :x . during recess i ate bee hoon with nugget . after school , fried marcoroni . then ice-cream , lo mai kai (sticky rice with chicken) and a siew mai .
OHMYGAWK , i'm feeling so FAT ? sigh sigh . anyways , one of our seniors , Evone , was also in the canteen . then idris saw the music room keys in her hands . SHE GOT IT ! hahahas , then we happily went up to the music room to practise our intruments . i played the cornet :x . now i feel like playing in the cornet section (yingweiyoutrex,imaginemesittingbesidehim,playingthepieces.LOLS.) . hahas , whatever . cornet is so difficult to blow . i managed the first four notes only . then yeah , vani , idris , rici and i practiced most of the song pieces . then idris was damn funny . keep making us laugh during our play . so irritating !!! grrrrrrrr. hahahhas.
was fun however (: .
at 5.30 , we packed up and left .
on the way to the bus-stop , met shak and rafi . so we took a FREE shuttle bus to jurong point . lols , don't know what it is doing at the bus-stop at lakeside mrt station . anway , since it's free , why not ? HAHHA.
yeah . tired tired . reached home and no one to chat with . so i ate my dinner then i bathed .
still no one to talk with . rici and suhana wasn't online : ( .
sigh , ta hai mei you sms wo . wo hao xiang ta .
why do you have to put me through such a painful and torturing process ?
but i love you stiil so .
Thursday, March 9
Wednesday, March 8
depressing ;
he said he'll come back to see us . i can't wait to . i'll probably be happy and sad at the same time . sigh , hopefully he'll come back soon ((:
i don't want to end this,
it must go on.
no matter how weak the line is,
i will continue to stand on.
you knew how much i love you,
i show it all to you.
i gave everything i could,
my love , my care and my words.
you simply took them for granted,
and threw them away.
for whether you truly love me or not,
i have not find it out.
but i know from the bottom of my heart,
you are the only one,
who can keep me standing up.
you won't look at me ,
unless we are very very far apart.
all i just wanted is to look deep into your eyes .
so i can see if your love it true for me or not
and did you know
i cut because i wanted you to care for me .
i love you so much but this is how it's ended up to be.
i will not give up until i fall ,
i will not let go until you do .
saranghae (:
BBQ fun ;
yeah , at first . it was band practice . quite , boring i'd say ? yeah , cuz we are playing and doing the basics as the sec ones are with us too. yeah , so most of the seniors find it a little boring .
hahas , after that , the sec ones were released one hour earlier than us and the seniors played Can't Take My Eyes Off You . WOOT MAN , SO FUN . HEHEHEHE. yeah ,
then at 5 , we kept the intruments and had some announcements then we all headed to the venue of the BBQ session . then it's like going to rain . AND DAMNIT LOR , IT REALLY RAINED . so we went to the canteen to bbq instead . used those kind of , portable bbq pit thing ? LOLS , whatever lor . then we all started to prepare the food . AND THEN , damn funny . the frozen chicken wings were all stuck together and frozen . then suhana , vani , joey , jason , nurul helped to separate the chicken wings . SO FUN LEH . then we played with it . i used it as a gun to shoot rici and idris . lol , okay , i just wanted some fun and humor . (:
yeah . my girls and i sat around and started to chat . then vani and me go kpo-ed the people starting the fire for the bbq . and my girls and i had fun , taking photos and such (:
darling suhana and me <3
then here she takes out and knife and requested for a wan tan . GOSH , luckily i managed to escape from her clutches (((: and suhana looks real cute here !! haha.
don't know who extra , blocked vani . woo , the hand big enough to block ? damn power sia . woops , bad christina bad ! HEHE.
naw , it was meant to look like i was jailed . but which criminal laughs while the photo is being taken ? KANASAI LOR MY FACE .
group photos ! <3
yeah , there were more , but was taken by Sakinah's camera , well , after that , i went to go take pictures of the crowd .
here , the people all bbqing and queuing up for their food . kiasee lor , take so many fishballs T_T
marcus and suhana WERE quarreling . i forgot but it's over something . i'm just so kpo i just wanna take a photo of how they look like when they quarrel . obviously not a plesant scene . as you can see , marcus tried to put on a friendly face . GAHHAHA , THIS IS FUN.
hahas , i'm so SO BAD , i forced vani to pose with a plate on her head . SMILE !!! *giggles*
yeah , so that's it . WHAT ?!?! THAT'S IT ?!?! . hahas , sorry mah , i was busying having fun and chatting with my girls .. okay , i don't wanna talk about the food . EXCEPT FOR THE MARSHMALLOW . GAWK , it's so bravo man . me and vani took 2 marshmallow each ( sigh , we are two desparate peeps ) , took a chopstick and pierce the marshmallow at its middle and started bbqing it ! WAHAHA , it's so fun man. then when it's all soft and ready to eat , veryone was envying us . lols , ( wanted to give him , but he's now where to be seen . ) . yeah , it was soft , creamy , sweet , gooey , sticky ..... HMMMM !!! EVERYTHING NICE ! GAGAHAHA , too bad only two packets of marshmallows . okay , so i helped cleaning up after that and finally went home at around 10.30 . yup , LATE .
when i reached home it's about 11 already . i took my bath and being to tired to do any crap , i just quickly packed my bag and slept .
TODAY DAMNED TIRED OKAY ! . now feeling so sleepy too . and a little bit of headache and giddyness . too tired i guess . alright , class was as boring as usual except for the drama class we had for our english class .. yeah , at least not as boring as english lessons . woops :x .
yeah , after school , suhana , cheryl , samantha , wan teng and me stayed back to complete our artwork because we didn't have magic pens at home and the artwork is needed to be handed in the next day.
yeah , i was so tiredddddddd lorr .. can sleep in the art room de . hahas . after completeing my artwork , i went home straight , i couldn't take it . my thigh muscles so sore , my eyes so droopy tired . i can fall flat onto the ground .
and poor thing me , go through all the trouble just to blog today. damnit , i think i better go take a rest . my vision is starting to get misty (: .
alrights , cya blog tomorrow ((:
i love my band and my girls <3